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=head2 C<< ->new %options >>

    my $b2 = Backblaze::B2::v1->new(
        api => 'Backblaze::B2::v1::Synchronous', # the default

Creates a new instance. Depending on whether you pass in
C<<Backblaze::B2::v1::Synchronous>> or C<<Backblaze::B2::v1::AnyEvent>>,
you will get a synchronous or asynchronous API.

The synchronous API is what is documented here, as this is the
most likely use case.

    my @buckets = $b2->buckets();
    for( @buckets ) {

The asynchronous API is identical to the synchronous API in spirit, but
will return L<Promises> . These condvars usually return
two or more parameters upon completion:

    my $results = $b2->buckets();
    $results->then( sub{ 
        my( @buckets ) = @_;
        for( @buckets ) {

The asynchronous API puts the burden of error handling into your code.


use vars '$API_BASE';
$API_BASE = '';

sub new {
    my( $class, %options ) = @_;
    # Hrr. We need to get at an asynchronous API here and potentially
    # wrap the results to synchronous results in case the user wants them.
    # Turtles all the way down, this means we can't reuse calls into ourselves...

    $options{ api } ||= 'Backblaze::B2::v1::Synchronous';
    if( ! ref $options{ api }) {
        eval "require $options{ api }";
        my $class = delete $options{ api };
        $options{ api } = $class->new(%options);
    if( $options{ api }->isAsync ) {
        $options{ bucket_class } ||= 'Backblaze::B2::v1::Bucket';
        $options{ file_class } ||= 'Backblaze::B2::v1::File';
    } else {
        $options{ bucket_class } ||= 'Backblaze::B2::v1::Bucket::Synchronized';
        $options{ file_class } ||= 'Backblaze::B2::v1::File::Synchronized';
    bless \%options => $class

sub read_credentials {
    my( $self, @args ) = @_;

sub authorize_account {
    my( $self, @args ) = @_;

sub _new_bucket {
    my( $self, %options ) = @_;
        api => $self->api,
        parent => $self,
        file_class => $self->{file_class}

sub await($) {
    my $promise = $_[0];
    my @res;
    if( $promise->is_unfulfilled ) {
        require AnyEvent;
        my $await = AnyEvent->condvar;
        }, sub {
            warn "@_";
        @res = $await->recv;
    } else {
        warn "Have results already";
        @res = @{ $promise->result }

sub payload($) {
    my( $ok, $msg, @results ) = await( $_[0] );
    if(! $ok) { croak $msg };
    return wantarray ? @results : $results[0];

=head2 C<< ->buckets >>

    my @buckets = $b2->buckets();

Returns a list of L<Backblaze::B2::Bucket> objects associated with
the B2 account.


sub buckets {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    my $list = $self->api->asyncApi->list_buckets()->then( sub {

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