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lib/Apache2/API/Query.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

            my @values;
            if( !ref( $value ) )
                @values = split( "\0", $value );
            elsif( ref( $value ) eq 'ARRAY' )
                @values = @$value;
                die( "Invalid value found: $value. Not string or arrayref!" );
            # push @{$self->{qq}->{$key_unesc}}, map { uri_unescape($_) } @values;
            for( @values )
                $_ = URI::Escape::uri_unescape( $_ );
                $_ = Encode::decode_utf8( $_ ) if( !utf8::is_utf8( $_ ) );
                push( @{$self->{qq}->{$key_unesc}}, $_ );

    my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
    my $serialiser = CORE::shift( @_ ) // '';
    my $class = CORE::ref( $self );
    my %hash = %$self;
    # Return an array reference rather than a list so this works with Sereal and CBOR
    # On or before Sereal version 4.023, Sereal did not support multiple values returned
    CORE::return( [$class, \%hash] ) if( $serialiser eq 'Sereal' && Sereal::Encoder->VERSION <= version->parse( '4.023' ) );
    # But Storable want a list with the first element being the serialised element
    CORE::return( $class, \%hash );

sub STORABLE_freeze { CORE::return( CORE::shift->FREEZE( @_ ) ); }

sub STORABLE_thaw { CORE::return( CORE::shift->THAW( @_ ) ); }

sub THAW
    my( $self, undef, @args ) = @_;
    my $ref = ( CORE::scalar( @args ) == 1 && CORE::ref( $args[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ? CORE::shift( @args ) : \@args;
    my $class = ( CORE::defined( $ref ) && CORE::ref( $ref ) eq 'ARRAY' && CORE::scalar( @$ref ) > 1 ) ? CORE::shift( @$ref ) : ( CORE::ref( $self ) || $self );
    my $hash = CORE::ref( $ref ) eq 'ARRAY' ? CORE::shift( @$ref ) : {};
    my $new;
    # Storable pattern requires to modify the object it created rather than returning a new one
    if( CORE::ref( $self ) )
        foreach( CORE::keys( %$hash ) )
            $self->{ $_ } = CORE::delete( $hash->{ $_ } );
        $new = $self;
        $new = bless( $hash => $class );
    CORE::return( $new );


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Apache2::API::Query - utf8 compliant URI query string manipulation


    # Constructor - using a GET query string
    $qq = Apache2::API::Query->new($query_string);
    # OR Constructor - using a hashref of key => value parameters
    $qq = Apache2::API::Query->new($cgi->Vars);
    # OR Constructor - using an array of successive keys and values
    $qq = Apache2::API::Query->new(@params);

    # Clone the current object
    $qq2 = $qq->clone;

    # Revert back to the initial constructor state (to do it all again)

    # Remove all occurrences of the given parameters
    $qq->strip('page', 'next');

    # Remove all parameters except the given ones
    $qq->strip_except('pagesize', 'order');

    # Remove all empty/undefined parameters

    # Replace all occurrences of the given parameters
    $qq->replace(page => $page, foo => 'bar');

    # Set the argument separator to use for output (default: unescaped '&')

    # Output the current query string
    print "$qq";           # OR $qq->stringify;
    # Stringify with explicit argument separator

    # Output the current query string with a leading '?'
    # Stringify with a leading '?' and an explicit argument separator

    # Get a flattened hash/hashref of the current parameters
    #   (single item parameters as scalars, multiples as an arrayref)
    my %qq = $qq->hash;

    # Get a non-flattened hash/hashref of the current parameters
    #   (parameter => arrayref of values)

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