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=head2 EXPORT

Constants only


The following constants let AntTweakBar know which graphic system do
you use, to know how to render itself

=head2 TW_OPENGL

Render using plain old OpenGL


Render AntTweakBar using OpenGL core profile, which excludes deprecated
OpenGL functions. See: L<>

=head2 TW_DIRECT3D9 (not implemented)

=head2 TW_DIRECT3D10 (not implemented)

=head2 TW_DIRECT3D11 (not implemented)


require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('AntTweakBar', $VERSION);

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $bar = AntTweakBar->new(
    "TweakBar & Perl",
    size  => '200 400',
    color => '96 216 224'

  my $another_bar = AntTweakBar->new(

Creates new AntTweakBar instance. Optionally the list of strings of
bar-related parameters can be provided. See the list of available
at L<>.


sub new {
    my ($class, $name, %bar_params) = @_;
    croak "AntTweakBar name should be specified"
        unless defined $name;
    my $self = {
        _name    => $name,
        _bar_ptr => _create( $name ),
    bless $self => $class;
    return $self;

    my $self = shift;

sub _as_definition_string {
    my $d = shift;
    return join(' ', map {
        my $key = $_;
        my $value = $d->{$key};
        $value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
    } sort keys %$d);

=head2 add_button

    name       => 'my_btn',
    cb         => sub { say "clicked!" },
    definition => "label='Click me!'",    # optional

    name       => 'my_btn',
    cb         => sub { say "clicked!" },
    definition => { # optional
      label => 'Click me!'

The definition parameters are the same as for variable. See


sub add_button {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $name        = $args{name      };
    my $cb          = $args{cb        };
    my $definition  = $args{definition} // "";

    croak "Button name should be specified"
        unless defined $name;
    croak "Button callback should be specified"
        if(!defined($cb) || ref($cb) ne 'CODE');
    $definition = _as_definition_string($definition)
        if ($definition && ref($definition) eq 'HASH');

    _add_button($self->{_bar_ptr}, $name, $cb, $definition);

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