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lib/Acme/  view on Meta::CPAN

# Exports almost *anything* passed in. 
# Note that this module defines very little, 
#   so you need to define stuff to export it. 
sub import {
    my $pkg         = shift;
    my @imports     = @_;       # anything you like, baby
    my $callpkg     = caller(1);
    my $type        ;
    my $sym         ;
    ### $callpkg
    ### $pkg
    ### @imports
    # Ripped from Exporter::Heavy::heavy_export()
    foreach $sym (@imports) {
    # shortcut for the common case of no type character
    (*{"${callpkg}::$sym"} = \&{"${pkg}::$sym"}, next)
        unless $sym =~ s/^(\W)//;
    $type = $1;
    *{"${callpkg}::$sym"} =
        $type eq '&' ? \&{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
        $type eq '$' ? \${"${pkg}::$sym"} :
        $type eq '@' ? \@{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
        $type eq '%' ? \%{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
        $type eq '*' ?  *{"${pkg}::$sym"} :
        die "$pkg: Can't export symbol: $type$sym\n", $!;
}; ## import

# For we enter thee sonne.
use strict;
use warnings;

#=========# CLASS METHOD
#   my $bear    = Acme::Teddy->new();
#   my $bear    = Acme::Teddy->new({ -a  => 'x' });
#   my $bear    = Acme::Teddy->new([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]);
#   my $bear    = Acme::Teddy->new( {}, @some_data );
# Purpose   : Dummy constructor
# Parms     : $class    : Any subclass of this class
#           : $self     : Any reference
#           : @init     : All remaining args
# Returns   : $self
# Invokes   : init()
# If invoked with $class only, 
#   blesses an empty hashref and calls init() with no args. 
# If invoked with $class and a reference,
#   blesses the reference and calls init() with any remaining args. 
sub new {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $self    = shift || {};      # default: hashref
    bless ($self => $class);
    return $self;
}; ## new

#=========# OBJECT METHOD
#   $obj->init(@_);     # initialize object
# Purpose   : Discard any extra arguments to new().
# Returns   : $self
# This is a placeholder method. You might want to override it in a subclass. 
sub init {
    return shift;
}; ## init

#   _egg();     # short
# Purpose   : Bunny rabbits have Easter eggs. Why not Teddy?
# This function is undocumented, because it's mine. 
sub _egg {
    my @parms       = @_;
    my $product     = 1;
    my $prepend     = __PACKAGE__ . q{: };
    my $message     = $prepend;
    my $crack       = qr/crack/;
    my $drop        = qr/drop/;
    my $integer     = qr/^\d$/;
    foreach (@parms) {
        if    (/$crack/) {
            warn $prepend, q{Crack! }, $!;
        elsif (/$drop/) {
            die  $prepend, q{~~=@__.! }, $!;            
        elsif (/$integer/) {
            $product    *= $_;
        else {
            $message    .= $_;
        }; ## if-else tree
    }; ## foreach
    print $message, qq{\n};
    return $product;
}; ## _egg


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