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lib/Acme/Chef/  view on Meta::CPAN

         $ingr->value( $ingr->value() - 1 );

      return "endloop.$verb";


=item new

Acme::Chef::Recipe constructor. Arguments are interpreted as key/value pairs
and used as object attributes.


sub new {
   my $proto = shift;
   my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

   my $self = {};

   if (ref $proto) {
      %$self = %$proto;

      $self->{bowls}  = [ map { $_->new() } @{$self -> {bowls }} ];
      $self->{dishes} = [ map { $_->new() } @{$self -> {dishes}} ];
      $self->{loops}  = { map { ( $_, $self->{loops}{$_} ) }
                              keys %{$self->{loops}} };

      if ( $self->{compiled} ) {
         $self->{ingredients} = { map {
              $self -> {ingredients} -> {$_} -> new()
           } keys %{ $self->{ingredients} }

   my %args  = @_;

   %$self = (
     compiled     => 0,
     name         => '',
     comments     => '',
     ingredients  => '',
     cooking_time => '',
     temperature  => '',
     method       => '',
     serves       => '',
     output       => '',
     loops        => {},
     bowls        => [],
     dishes       => [],

   bless $self => $class;
   return $self;

=item execute

Executes the recipe (program). First argument should be a reference to a
hash of sous-recipes.


sub execute {
   my $self    = shift;

   my $recipes = shift;

   $self->compile() unless $self->{compiled};

   my @loop_stack;

   my $max_pos = $#{$self->{method}};
   my $exec_pos = 0;
   while (1) {

      my $next_method = $self->{method}->[$exec_pos];
#      print ' ' x scalar(@loop_stack), join(',', @$next_method),"\n";

      my $return = $Commands{$next_method->[0]}->($self, $next_method);

      last if $return eq 'halt';

      if ( $return =~ /^recurse\.([\-\w][\-\w ]*)/ ) {
         exists $recipes->{$1}
           or croak "Invalid recipe '$1' specified for recursion.";

         my $clone       = $self->new();
         my $sous_recipe = $recipes->{$1}->new(
           bowls  => $clone->{bowls},
           dishes => $clone->{dishes},

         my $sous_done   = $sous_recipe->execute( $recipes );

         $self->output( $sous_done->output() );

         $self -> {bowls} -> [0]
           -> put( $sous_done -> first_bowl() -> new() -> pour() );

      } elsif ( $return =~ /^loop\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)/ ) {
         my $verb = $1;
         my $ingr = $2;

         push @loop_stack, $verb;

         if ( not $self -> {ingredients} -> {$ingr} -> value() ) {
            pop @loop_stack;
            $exec_pos = $self -> {loops} -> {$verb} -> {end};

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