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FuzzyInference/  view on Meta::CPAN

# A module to implement a fuzzy term set.
# Only triangular term sets are allowed.
# Copyright Ala Qumsieh ( 2002.
# This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

package AI::FuzzyInference::Set;
use strict;

#our $VERSION = 0.02;
use vars qw/$VERSION/;  # a bit more backward compatibility.
$VERSION = 0.04;


sub new {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref($self) || $self;

    my $obj = bless {} => $class;


    return $obj;

sub _init {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{TS}   = {};
    $self->{AREA} = {};

sub add {
    my ($self,
	) = @_;

    # make sure coords span the whole universe.
    if ($coords[0] > $xmin) {
	unshift @coords => ($xmin, $coords[1]);

    if ($coords[-2] < $xmax) {
	push @coords => ($xmax, $coords[-1]);

    $self->{TS}{$name} = \@coords;

sub delete {
    my ($self,
	) = @_;

    delete $self->{$_}{$name} for qw/TS AREA/;

sub membership {
    my ($self,
	) = @_;

    return undef unless $self->exists($name);

    my $deg = 0;
    my @c   = $self->coords($name);

    my $x1 = shift @c;
    my $y1 = shift @c;

    while (@c) {
	my $x2 = shift @c;
	my $y2 = shift @c;

	next if $x1 == $x2;    # hmm .. why do we have this?

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