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t/02-payload.t  view on Meta::CPAN


  ok($deserialized->namespaceuriof(SOAP::SOM::method) eq '');
  ok($deserialized->namespaceuriof('//doublerResponse') eq '');

{ # check for Array of Array serialization
  print "Array of Array serialization test(s)...\n";

  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer
    ->method('mymethod' => [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
  ok($serialized =~ m!soapenc:arrayType="soapenc:Array\[2\]"!);

{ # check for serialization with SOAPStruct
  print "Serialization w/out SOAPStruct test(s)...\n";
  $a = { a => 1 };
  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->namespaces({})->serialize($a);
  ok($serialized =~ m!<c-gensym(\d+)><a xsi:type="xsd:int">1</a></c-gensym\1>!);

{ # check header/envelope serialization/deserialization
  print "Header/Envelope serialization/deserialization test(s)...\n";

  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->method( # same as ->envelope(method =>
      'mymethod', 1, 2, 3,
      SOAP::Header->name(t1 => 5)->mustUnderstand(1)->uri(''),
      SOAP::Header->name(t2 => 7)->mustUnderstand(2),
  $deserialized = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized);

  my $t1 = $deserialized->match(SOAP::SOM::header)->headerof('t1');
  my $t2 = $deserialized->dataof('t2');
  my $t3 = eval { $deserialized->headerof(SOAP::SOM::header . '/{}t3'); };

  ok(!$@ && !defined $t3);

  my @paramsin = $deserialized->paramsin;
  my @paramsall = $deserialized->paramsall;

  ok($t2->type =~ /^int$/);
  ok($t2->mustUnderstand == 1);
  ok(@paramsin == 3);
  ok(@paramsall == 3);

  eval { $deserialized->result(1) };
  ok($@ =~ /Method 'result' is readonly/);

  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->method( # same as ->envelope(method =>
      SOAP::Data->name('mymethod')->attr({something => 'value'}), 1, 2, 3,
  ok($serialized =~ /<mymethod something="value">/);

  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer
    -> envprefix('')
    -> method('mymethod');

  ok($serialized =~ m!<Envelope(?: xmlns:namesp\d+=""| namesp\d+:encodingStyle=""| xmlns:soapenc=""| xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.o...
  $deserialized = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soapenc="" soap:encodingStyle="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3....
  ok(! defined $deserialized->namespaceuriof('//getStateName'));

  $deserialized = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns="a" xmlns:soapenc="" soap:encodingStyle="" xmlns:xsi="http...
  ok($deserialized->namespaceuriof('//getStateName') eq 'a');

{ # Map type serialization/deserialization
  print "Map type serialization/deserialization test(s)...\n";

  my $key = "\0\1";
  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->method(aa => SOAP::Data->type(map => {a => 123, $key => 456})->name('maaap'));

  { local $^W; # disable warning on implicit map encoding
    my $implicit = SOAP::Serializer->method(aa => SOAP::Data->name(maaap => {a => 123, $key => 456}));
    ok($implicit eq $serialized);
  ok($serialized =~ /apachens:Map/);
  ok($serialized =~ m!xmlns:apachens=""!);

  $deserialized = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized);
  $a = $deserialized->valueof('//maaap');
  ok(UNIVERSAL::isa($a => 'HASH'));
  ok(ref $a && $a->{$key} == 456);

{ # Stringified type serialization
  print "Stringified type serialization test(s)...\n";

  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize(bless { a => 1, _current => [] } => 'SOAP::SOM');

  my $test = $serialized;
  ok $test =~s{
            <\?xml \s version="1.0" \s encoding="UTF-8"\?>
                | \sxmlns:namesp\d+=""
                | \sxmlns:soap=""
                | \sxmlns:soapenc=""
                | \sxmlns:xsi=""
                | \sxmlns:xsd=""){6}>

  ok $test =~s{
      </SOAP__SOM> \z

  ok $test =~s{ <a \s xsi:type="xsd:int">1</a> }{}xms;
  ok $test =~s{ <_current (:?
        \s soapenc:arrayType="xsd:anyType\[0\]"
        | \s xsi:type="soapenc:Array" ){2}

  ok length $test == 0;

  # Replaced complex regex by several simpler (see above).

  # ok($serialized =~ m!<SOAP__SOM(?: xsi:type="namesp(\d+):SOAP__SOM"| xmlns:namesp\d+=""| xmlns:soap=""| xmlns:soapenc=""| xmlns:xs...
  # ok( ($serialized =~ m!<SOAP__SOM(?: xsi:type="namesp(\d+):SOAP__SOM"| xmlns:namesp\d+=""| xmlns:soap=""| xmlns:soapenc=""| xmlns:...
  # ||  ($serialized =~ m!<SOAP__SOM(?: xsi:type="namesp(\d+):SOAP__SOM"| xmlns:namesp\d+=""| xmlns:soap=""| xmlns:soapenc=""| xmlns:...
  #print $serialized;
  #  exit;

  $serialized =~ s/__/./g; # check for SOAP.SOM instead of SOAP__SOM
  ok(ref SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root eq 'SOAP::SOM');

{ # Serialization of non-allowed element
  print "Serialization of non-allowed element test(s)...\n";

  eval { $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize(SOAP::Data->name('---' => 'aaa')) };

  ok($@ =~ /^Element/);

{ # Custom serialization of blessed reference
  print "Custom serialization of blessed reference test(s)...\n";

  eval q!
    sub SOAP::Serializer::as_My__Own__Class {
      my $self = shift;
      my($value, $name, $type, $attr) = @_;
      return [$name, {%{$attr || {}}, 'xsi:type' => 'xsd:string'}, join ', ', map {"$_ => $value->{$_}"} sort keys %$value];
  ! or die;

  $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize(bless {a => 1, b => 2} => 'My::Own::Class');
  ok($serialized =~ m!<My__Own__Class( xsi:type="xsd:string"| xmlns:soap=""| xmlns:soapenc=""| xmlns:xsi=""| xmlns:xsd="http://...

{ # Multirefs serialization

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