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lib/A1z/HTML5/Template.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

	my $out;

	my %in;

	%in = (
		error => "",

		images_dir => "/images/a1z-html5-template/",
		thumbs_dir => "/images/a1z-html5-template/thumbs",
		images_url => "/images/a1z-html5-template",
		thumbs_url => "/thumbs/a1z-html5-template/thumbs",

		width => "100",
		height => "100",


	if (-e -d "$in{images_dir}" and "$in{thumbs_dir}" )
		opendir(TH, "$in{thumbs_dir}") or $in{error} .= qq{<p>$!</p>};
		my @thumbs = readdir(TH);
		close TH;

		foreach ( @thumbs ) 
			if ( $_ and $_ =~ /(.jpg|.gif|.jpeg|.png|.tiff)$/ )
				$out .= qq{\n<a href="$in{images_url}/$_" title="$_" data-gallery> <img src="$in{thumbs_url}/$_" alt="Image $_" width="$in{width}" height="$in{height}"> </a> \n};
		$in{error} .= qq{<p>Image directory does not exist or is inaccessible. Make sure you provided the correct path.</p>};

		$out = $in{error};

	return $out;
# end display gallery thumbnails 




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

A1z::HTML5::Template - Fast and easy Web Apps

=head1 VERSION

version 0.22


    use A1z::HTML5::Template;
    my $h = A1z::HTML5::Template->new();

    This directory should be writable by the web server, required to create/hold page content files.
	This may also contain your custom JavaScript/CSS libraries.
	Works for both Windows and Linux
		use lib '/home/user/path/to/app';
		use lib 'C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/path/to/app';

	# for features like 'say'
	use 5.10.0;

	my $h = A1z::HTML5::Template->new(); 

	Fast, Easy, and Simple: Just Two Lines!
		say $h->head( -title => "My Brand Name" );
		say $h->body( -content => qq{ Coming Soon });

	For More Control/Customization: Not for the lazy!
	say $h->header('utf8');  
	say $h->start_html(); 
	say $h->head_title("My New App"); 
	say $h->head_meta(); 

	Load basic/required JavaScript/CSS libraries
	say $h->head_js_css(); 

	Add your own custom JavaScript/CSS files
	say $h->head_js_css('/url/to/app/Template.css'); 

	say $h->end_head(); 
	say $h->begin_body();

	say qq{<h1>My New App/Website</h1>};

	say qq{<main class="container">}; 

		# output file content as menu
		say $h->body_accordion( $h->open_file("/home/user/path/to/app/open_file_example.txt", 'menu', 'Menu') ); 

		# as a HTML5 table 
		say $h->body_accordion( $h->open_file("$sys{cgibase}/open_file_example.txt", 'table', 'Table Header') );
		# Simple mathematics 
		say $h->body_article( header => "Simple Mathematics", content => $h->math1("2", "4") );

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