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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

    say trim( @_ );

sub _red {

    colored( "@_", "RESET RED" );

sub _yellow {

    colored( "@_", "RESET YELLOW" );

sub _green {

    # Reset since last line may be trimmed.
    colored( "@_", "RESET GREEN" );

sub _grey {

    colored( "@_", "RESET DARK" );

sub _neon {

    colored( "@_", "RESET ON_BRIGHT_BLACK" );

sub _reset {

    colored( "@_", "RESET" );

# Misc Support

sub uniq(@) {
    my %h;
    grep { not $h{$_}++ } @_;

# Legacy

=for Legacy
- # pod version 0
- package UNIVERSAL;
- sub dir{
-    my ($s)   = @_;               # class or object
-    my $ref   = ref $s;
-    my $class = $ref ? $ref : $s; # myClass
-    my $pkg   = $class . "::";    # MyClass::
-    my @keys_raw;
-    my $is_special_block = qr/^ (?:BEGIN|UNITCHECK|INIT|CHECK|END|import|DESTROY) $/x;
-    no strict 'refs';
-    while( my($key,$stash) = each %$pkg){
- #     next if $key =~ /$is_special_block/;   # Not a special block
- #     next if $key =~ /^ _ /x;               # Not private method
-       next if ref $stash;                    # Stash name should not be a reference
-       next if not defined *$stash{CODE};     # Stash function should be defined
-       push @keys_raw, $key;
-    }
-    my @keys = sort @keys_raw;
-    return @keys if defined wantarray;
-    say join "\n  ", "\n$class", @keys;
- }


Install bash completion support.

 % apt install bash-completion

Install tab completion.

 % source bash_completion_pod

=head1 SEE ALSO




=head1 AUTHOR

Tim Potapov, C<< <tim.potapov[AT]> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to L<>.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc App::Pod

You can also look for information at:



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