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	     $load_timeout = 0;
	     return FALSE; # uninstall the timeout
	  $pixbuf_loader = undef;
  } else {
      my $error_message = undef;

      # demo_find_file() looks in the the current directory first,
      # so you can run gtk-demo without installing GTK, then looks
      # in the location where the file is installed.
      my $filename;
      eval { $filename = main::demo_find_file ("alphatest.png"); };
      if ($@) {
	  $error_message = $@;
      } else {
          open $image_stream, "<:raw", $filename
	    or $error_message = "Unable to open image file 'alphatest.png': $!";

      if (not defined $image_stream) {
	  error_popup ($window, $error_message);

	  $load_timeout = 0;

	  return FALSE; # uninstall the timeout

      if ($pixbuf_loader) {
	  $pixbuf_loader = undef;
      $pixbuf_loader = Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new;
      $pixbuf_loader->signal_connect (area_prepared =>
			\&progressive_prepared_callback, $image);
      $pixbuf_loader->signal_connect (area_updated =>
			\&progressive_updated_callback, $image);

  # leave timeout installed
  return TRUE;

sub start_progressive_loading {
  my $image = shift;
  # This is obviously totally contrived (we slow down loading
  # on purpose to show how incremental loading works).
  # The real purpose of incremental loading is the case where
  # you are reading data from a slow source such as the network.
  # The timeout simply simulates a slow data source by inserting
  # pauses in the reading process.
  $load_timeout = Glib::Timeout->add (150, \&progressive_timeout, $image);

sub cleanup_callback {
  my ($object, $data) = @_;

  if ($load_timeout) {
      Glib::Source->remove ($load_timeout);
      $load_timeout = 0;
  if ($pixbuf_loader) {
      $pixbuf_loader = undef;

  if ($image_stream) {
    close $image_stream;
  $image_stream = undef;

sub toggle_sensitivity_callback {
  my ($togglebutton, $container) = @_;
  my $newstate = ! $togglebutton->get_active;

  foreach my $child ($container->get_children) {
      # don't disable our toggle
      $child->set_sensitive ($newstate)
           if $child != $togglebutton;

sub do {
  if (!$window) {
      $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
      $window->set_title ("Images");

      $window->signal_connect (destroy => sub { $window = undef; 1 });
      $window->signal_connect (destroy => \&cleanup_callback);

      $window->set_border_width (8);

      my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 8);
      $vbox->set_border_width (8);
      $window->add ($vbox);

      my $label = Gtk2::Label->new;
      $label->set_markup ("<u>Image loaded from a file</u>");
      $vbox->pack_start ($label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
      my $frame = Gtk2::Frame->new;
      $frame->set_shadow_type ('in');
      # The alignment keeps the frame from growing when users resize
      # the window
      my $align = Gtk2::Alignment->new (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
      $align->add ($frame);
      $vbox->pack_start ($align, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

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