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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Assistant
# Demonstrates a sample multistep assistant. Assistants are used to divide
# an operation into several simpler sequential steps, and to guide the user
# through these steps.

package assistant;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Glib ':constants';
use Gtk2;
#include "demo-common.h"

my $assistant = undef;
my $progress_bar = undef;

sub apply_changes_gradually($) {
  my $fraction;
  # Work, work, work...
  $fraction = $progress_bar->get_fraction();
  $fraction += 0.05;
  my $cont = TRUE;
  if ($fraction < 1.0) {
  } else {
    # Close automatically once changes are fully applied.
  	undef $assistant;
  	$cont = FALSE;
  return $cont;

sub on_assistant_apply($$)
  my ($widget, $data) = @_;
  # Start a timer to simulate changes taking a few seconds to apply.
  Glib::Timeout->add(100, \&apply_changes_gradually, undef);

sub on_assistant_close_cancel($$)
  my ($widget, $assistant) = @_;
  undef $$assistant;

sub on_assistant_prepare($$$)
  my ($widget, $page, $data) = @_;
  my ($current_page, $n_pages, $title);
  $current_page = $widget->get_current_page();
  $n_pages = $widget->get_n_pages();
  $title = sprintf("Sample assistant (%d of %d)", $current_page + 1, $n_pages);

  # The fourth page (counting from zero) is the progress page.  The
  # user clicked Apply to get here so we tell the assistant to commit,
  # which means the changes up to this point are permanent and cannot
  # be cancelled or revisited.
  if ($current_page == 3) {

sub on_entry_changed($$)
  my ($widget, $data) = @_;
  my $assistant = $data;
  my ($current_page, $page_number, $text);
  $page_number = $assistant->get_current_page();
  $current_page = $assistant->get_nth_page($page_number);
  $text = $widget->get_text();

  if ($text && $text ne '') {
    $assistant->set_page_complete($current_page, TRUE);
  } else {
    $assistant->set_page_complete($current_page, FALSE);

sub create_page1($)
  my $assistant = shift;
  my ($box, $label, $entry, $pixbuf);

  $box = Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE, 12);

  $label = Gtk2::Label->new("You must fill out this entry to continue:");
  $box->pack_start($label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

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( run in 0.784 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-9e6bc14194b )