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  } elsif (@{$server->{wiki_space}}) {
    @spaces = @{$server->{wiki_space}};
  return join("|", map { quotemeta } @spaces);

# A regular expression matching parts of reserved paths in URLs. When looking at
# gemini://localhost:1965/page/test or gemini://localhost:1965/do/index and
# using a client that has an "up" command, you'd end up at
# gemini://localhost:1965/page – but what should happen in this case? We should
# redirect these requests to gemini://localhost:1965/, I think.
sub reserved_regex {
  return join("|", qw(do page raw file html history diff));

sub success {
  my $stream = shift;
  my $type = shift || 'text/gemini; charset=UTF-8';
  my $lang = shift;
  if ($lang) {
    result($stream, "20", "$type; lang=$lang");
  } else {
    result($stream, "20", "$type");

sub result {
  my $stream = shift;
  my $code = shift;
  my $meta = shift;
  my $data = shift||"";
  $stream->write("$code $meta\r\n$data");

sub handle_titan {
  my $stream = shift;
  my $data = shift;
  # extra processing of the request if we didn't do that, yet
  $data->{upload} ||= is_upload($stream, $data->{request}) or return;
  my $size = $data->{upload}->{params}->{size};
  my $actual = length($data->{buffer});
  if ($actual == $size) {
    $log->debug("Handle Titan request");
    process_titan($stream, $data->{request}, $data->{upload}, $data->{buffer}, $size);
    # do not close in case we're waiting for the lock
  } elsif ($actual > $size) {
    $log->debug("Received more than the promised $size bytes");
    result($stream, "59", "Received more than the promised $size bytes");
  $log->debug("Waiting for " . ($size - $actual) . " more bytes");

sub process_titan {
  my ($stream, $request, $upload, $buffer, $size) = @_;
  eval {
    local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { $log->error("Timeout processing upload $request") };
    alarm(10); # timeout
    save_page($stream, $upload->{host}, $upload->{space}, $upload->{id},
	      $upload->{params}->{mime}, $buffer, $size);
  return unless $@;
  $log->error("Error: $@");

sub save_page {
  my $stream = shift;
  my $host = shift;
  my $space = shift;
  my $id = shift;
  my $type = shift;
  my $data = shift;
  my $length = shift;
  if ($type ne "text/plain") {
    if ($length == 0) {
      with_lock($stream, $host, $space, sub { delete_file($stream, $host, $space, $id) } );
    } else {
      with_lock($stream, $host, $space, sub { write_file($stream, $host, $space, $id, $data, $type) } );
  } elsif ($length == 0) {
    with_lock($stream, $host, $space, sub { delete_page($stream, $host, $space, $id) } );
  } elsif (utf8::decode($data)) { # decodes in-place and returns success
    with_lock($stream, $host, $space, sub { write_page($stream, $host, $space, $id, $data) } );
  } else {
    $log->debug("The text is invalid UTF-8");
    result($stream, "59", "The text is invalid UTF-8");

# We can't use C<flock> because this defaults to C<fcntl> which means they are
# I<per process>
sub with_lock {
  my $stream = shift;
  my $host = shift;
  my $space = shift;
  my $code = shift;
  my $count = shift || 0;
  my $dir = wiki_dir($host, $space);
  my $lock = "$dir/locked";
  # remove stale locks
  if (-e $lock) {
    my $age = time() - modified($lock);
    $log->debug("lock is ${age}s old");
    rmdir $lock if -e $lock and $age > 5;
  if (mkdir($lock)) {
    $log->debug("Running code with lock $lock");
    eval { $code->() }; # protect against exceptions
    if ($@) {
      $log->error("Unable to run code with locked $lock: $@");
      result($stream, "40", "An error occured, unfortunately");

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