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bin/prereq-grapher  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use App::PrereqGrapher;

my $app = App::PrereqGrapher->new_with_options;


exit 0;

=head1 NAME

prereq-grapher - generate dependency graph for perl module or source


 prereq-grapher [options] Foo::Bar .. Foo::Baz

   -o <file>    The file to write the graph into
   -d <int>     Stop recursing at the specified depth
   -t <seconds> Timeout for when generating SVG or HTML output
   -nc          Don't include core modules in dependency graph
   -nrc         Show core modules, but not their dependencies
   -dot         Generate graph in dot format (used by GraphViz)
   -svg         Generate graph as Scalable Vector Graphics
   -html        Generate graph as HTML
   -gml         Generate graph as GraphML
   -vcg         Generate graph in VCG format
   -verbose     Display verbose messages as we run
   -h --help    This help


B<prereq-grapher> parses perl source and looks for prerequisites,
such as modules that are C<use>'d or C<require>'d.
All of those modules are then parsed in turn,
looking for I<their> dependencies.

Once all files have been parsed, B<prereq-grapher> will write out
the dependency graph in one of the five formats supported.

The simplest way to run B<prereq-grapher> is just giving a module name:

  % prereq-grapher Module::Path
  6 modules processed. Graph written to

By default B<prereq-grapher> generates the dependency graph in C<dot> format,
and writes it to a file called C<>.
You can explicitly specify the output format and filename:

  % prereq-grapher -svg -o class-inspector-path.svg Class::Inspector
  9 modules processed. Graph written to class-inspector.svg

If the complete dependency graph is very large,
it can be hard to get your head around it.
In this case you could start off generating the first few levels of dependencies,
using the B<-depth> (or B<-d>) option:

  % prereq-grapher App::PrereqGrapher
  305 modules processed. Graph written to

  % prereq-grapher -depth 2 App::PrereqGrapher
  10 modules processed. Graph written to

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-o> E<lt>fileE<gt> | B<-output-file> E<lt>fileE<gt>

The name of the file that the dependency graph should be written to.
If not specified, B<prereq-grapher> will write the graph in a file
called C<dependencies>, and the extension will indicate the format
(dot, svg, html, gml, or vcg).

=item B<-d N> | B<-depth N>

Generate the dependency graph to a depth of no more than N links.

=item B<-r T> | B<-timeout T>

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( run in 0.471 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )