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bin/prereq-grapher  view on Meta::CPAN

prereq-grapher - generate dependency graph for perl module or source


 prereq-grapher [options] Foo::Bar .. Foo::Baz

   -o <file>    The file to write the graph into
   -d <int>     Stop recursing at the specified depth
   -t <seconds> Timeout for when generating SVG or HTML output
   -nc          Don't include core modules in dependency graph
   -nrc         Show core modules, but not their dependencies
   -dot         Generate graph in dot format (used by GraphViz)
   -svg         Generate graph as Scalable Vector Graphics
   -html        Generate graph as HTML
   -gml         Generate graph as GraphML
   -vcg         Generate graph in VCG format
   -verbose     Display verbose messages as we run
   -h --help    This help

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( run in 1.009 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )