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=head1 NAME - Provides a CLI for quick searches of data in ElasticSearch daily indexes

=head1 VERSION

version 8.8

=head1 SYNOPSIS [search string]


    --help              print help
    --manual            print full manual
    --filter            Force filter context for all query elements
    --show              Comma separated list of fields to display, default is ALL, switches to tab output
    --tail              Continue the query until CTRL+C is sent
    --top               Perform an aggregation on the fields, by a comma separated list of up to 2 items
    --by                Perform an aggregation using the result of this, example: --by cardinality:src_ip
    --with              Perform a sub aggregation on the query
    --bg-filter         Only used if --top aggregation is significant_terms, applies a background filter
    --match-all         Enables the ElasticSearch match_all operator
    --interval          When running aggregations, wrap the aggreation in a date_histogram with this interval
    --prefix            Takes "field:string" and enables the Lucene prefix query for that field
    --exists            Field which must be present in the document
    --missing           Field which must not be present in the document
    --size              Result size, default is 20, aliased to -n and --limit
    --max-batch-size    When making requests to ES, retrieve this many docs in a single request, defaults to 50
    --all               Don't consider result size, just give me *everything*
    --asc               Sort by ascending timestamp
    --desc              Sort by descending timestamp (Default)
    --sort              List of fields for custom sorting
    --format            When --show isn't used, use this method for outputting the record, supported: json, jsonpretty, yaml
                        json assumes --no-decorator as we assume you're piping through jq
    --pretty            Where possible, use JSON->pretty
    --precision         For floating point values, use this many digits of precision, defaults to 3
    --no-decorators     Do not show the header with field names in the query results
    --no-header         Same as above
    --no-implications   Don't attempt to imply filters from statistical aggregations
    --fields            Display the field list for this index!
    --bases             Display the index base list for this cluster.
    --timestamp         Field to use as the date object, default: @timestamp

From App::ElasticSearch::Utilities:

    --local         Use localhost as the elasticsearch host
    --host          ElasticSearch host to connect to
    --port          HTTP port for your cluster
    --proto         Defaults to 'http', can also be 'https'
    --http-username HTTP Basic Auth username
    --password-exec Script to run to get the users password
    --insecure      Don't verify TLS certificates
    --cacert        Specify the TLS CA file
    --capath        Specify the directory with TLS CAs
    --cert          Specify the path to the client certificate
    --key           Specify the path to the client private key file
    --noop          Any operations other than GET are disabled, can be negated with --no-noop
    --timeout       Timeout to ElasticSearch, default 10
    --keep-proxy    Do not remove any proxy settings from %ENV
    --index         Index to run commands against
    --base          For daily indexes, reference only those starting with "logstash"
                     (same as --pattern logstash-* or logstash-DATE)
    --pattern       Use a pattern to operate on the indexes
    --days          If using a pattern or base, how many days back to go, default: 1

See also the "CONNECTION ARGUMENTS" and "INDEX SELECTION ARGUMENTS" sections from App::ElasticSearch::Utilities.

From CLI::Helpers:

    --data-file         Path to a file to write lines tagged with 'data => 1'
    --tags              A comma separated list of tags to display
    --color             Boolean, enable/disable color, default use git settings
    --verbose           Incremental, increase verbosity (Alias is -v)
    --debug             Show developer output
    --debug-class       Show debug messages originating from a specific package, default: main
    --quiet             Show no output (for cron)
    --syslog            Generate messages to syslog as well
    --syslog-facility   Default "local0"
    --syslog-tag        The program name, default is the script name
    --syslog-debug      Enable debug messages to syslog if in use, default false
    --nopaste           Use App::Nopaste to paste output to configured paste service
    --nopaste-public    Defaults to false, specify to use public paste services
    --nopaste-service   Comma-separated App::Nopaste service, defaults to Shadowcat


This tool takes a search string parameter to search the cluster.  It is in the format of the Lucene
L<query string|>

Examples might include:

    # Search for past 10 days vhost and client IP --days=10 --size=100 dst:"" AND src_ip:""

    # Search for all apache logs past with status 500 program:"apache" AND crit:500

    # Search for all apache logs with status 500 show only file and out_bytes program:"apache" AND crit:500 --show file,out_bytes

    # Search for ip subnet client IP to or to --size=100 dst:"" AND src_ip:"" --size=100 dst:"" AND src_ip:"1.2.0/16"

    # Show the top src_ip for '' --base access --top src_ip

    # Tail the access log for 404's --base access --tail --show src_ip,file,referer_domain AND crit:404

=head1 NAME - Search a logging cluster for information

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

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( run in 1.124 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )