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output({clear=>1,color=>'magenta'}, "Cluster [$CLUSTER] contains $cres->{number_of_nodes} nodes.", '-='x20);
# Get a list of nodes
my $nres = es_request('_cluster/state/master_node,nodes', {});
if(!defined $nres) {
    output({stderr=>1,color=>'red'}, 'Fetching node status failed.');
    exit 1;
foreach my $uuid (sort { $nres->{nodes}{$a}->{name} cmp $nres->{nodes}{$b}->{name} } keys %{ $nres->{nodes} }) {
    my $node = $nres->{nodes}{$uuid};
    my $color = defined $nres->{master_node} && $uuid eq $nres->{master_node} ? 'green' : 'cyan';

    output({color=>$color}, $node->{name});
    output({indent=>1,kv=>1,color=>$color}, address => $node->{transport_address});
    verbose({indent=>1,kv=>1,color=>$color}, uuid => $uuid);
    if( exists $OPT{attributes} ) {
        output({indent=>1}, "attributes:");
        foreach my $attr ( split /,/, $OPT{attributes} ) {
            next unless exists $node->{attributes}{$attr};
            output({indent=>2,kv=>1}, $attr => $node->{attributes}{$attr});



=head1 NAME - Listing the nodes in a cluster with some details

=head1 VERSION

version 8.8

=head1 SYNOPSIS [options]


    --help              print help
    --manual            print full manual
    --attibutes         Comma separated list of attributes to display, default is NONE

From App::ElasticSearch::Utilities:

    --local         Use localhost as the elasticsearch host
    --host          ElasticSearch host to connect to
    --port          HTTP port for your cluster
    --proto         Defaults to 'http', can also be 'https'
    --http-username HTTP Basic Auth username
    --password-exec Script to run to get the users password
    --insecure      Don't verify TLS certificates
    --cacert        Specify the TLS CA file
    --capath        Specify the directory with TLS CAs
    --cert          Specify the path to the client certificate
    --key           Specify the path to the client private key file
    --noop          Any operations other than GET are disabled, can be negated with --no-noop
    --timeout       Timeout to ElasticSearch, default 10
    --keep-proxy    Do not remove any proxy settings from %ENV
    --index         Index to run commands against
    --base          For daily indexes, reference only those starting with "logstash"
                     (same as --pattern logstash-* or logstash-DATE)
    --pattern       Use a pattern to operate on the indexes
    --days          If using a pattern or base, how many days back to go, default: 1

See also the "CONNECTION ARGUMENTS" and "INDEX SELECTION ARGUMENTS" sections from App::ElasticSearch::Utilities.

From CLI::Helpers:

    --data-file         Path to a file to write lines tagged with 'data => 1'
    --tags              A comma separated list of tags to display
    --color             Boolean, enable/disable color, default use git settings
    --verbose           Incremental, increase verbosity (Alias is -v)
    --debug             Show developer output
    --debug-class       Show debug messages originating from a specific package, default: main
    --quiet             Show no output (for cron)
    --syslog            Generate messages to syslog as well
    --syslog-facility   Default "local0"
    --syslog-tag        The program name, default is the script name
    --syslog-debug      Enable debug messages to syslog if in use, default false
    --nopaste           Use App::Nopaste to paste output to configured paste service
    --nopaste-public    Defaults to false, specify to use public paste services
    --nopaste-service   Comma-separated App::Nopaste service, defaults to Shadowcat


This tool provides access to information on nodes in the the cluster.

=head1 NAME - Utility for investigating the nodes in a cluster

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<help>

Print this message and exit

=item B<manual>

Print detailed help with examples

=item B<attributes>

Comma separated list of node attributes to display, aliased as --attr

    --attributes dc,id


=head1 AUTHOR

Brad Lhotsky <>


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( run in 0.454 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )