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sub show_counts {
    my $inc_records = shift;

    output({color=>'green'}, "Starting copy of $INDEX{from} to $HOST{to}:$INDEX{to}.") if $RECORDS == 0;

    $RECORDS += $inc_records;
    if( $RECORDS % ($INDEX{block} * 10) == 0 ) {
        my $now = time;
        my $diff = $now - $LAST;
        my @time=localtime;
        my $msg = sprintf "%00.2f%% %02d:%02d:%02d Records: %d of %d in %0.2fs", ($RECORDS/$TOTAL)*100, @time[2,1,0], $RECORDS, $TOTAL, $diff;
        output({color=>'yellow'}, $msg);



=head1 NAME - Copy an index from one cluster to another

=head1 VERSION

version 8.8

=head1 SYNOPSIS [options] [query to select documents]


    --source            (Required) The source index name for the copy
    --destination       Destination index name, assumes source
    --from              (Required) A server in the cluster where the index lives
    --to                A server in the cluster where the index will be copied to
    --block             How many docs to process in one batch, default: 1,000
    --mapping           JSON mapping to use instead of the source mapping
    --settings          JSON index settings to use instead of those from the source
    --append            Instead of creating the index, add the documents to the destination
    --help              print help
    --manual            print full manual

From App::ElasticSearch::Utilities:

    --local         Use localhost as the elasticsearch host
    --host          ElasticSearch host to connect to
    --port          HTTP port for your cluster
    --proto         Defaults to 'http', can also be 'https'
    --http-username HTTP Basic Auth username
    --password-exec Script to run to get the users password
    --insecure      Don't verify TLS certificates
    --cacert        Specify the TLS CA file
    --capath        Specify the directory with TLS CAs
    --cert          Specify the path to the client certificate
    --key           Specify the path to the client private key file
    --noop          Any operations other than GET are disabled, can be negated with --no-noop
    --timeout       Timeout to ElasticSearch, default 10
    --keep-proxy    Do not remove any proxy settings from %ENV
    --index         Index to run commands against
    --base          For daily indexes, reference only those starting with "logstash"
                     (same as --pattern logstash-* or logstash-DATE)
    --pattern       Use a pattern to operate on the indexes
    --days          If using a pattern or base, how many days back to go, default: 1

See also the "CONNECTION ARGUMENTS" and "INDEX SELECTION ARGUMENTS" sections from App::ElasticSearch::Utilities.

From CLI::Helpers:

    --data-file         Path to a file to write lines tagged with 'data => 1'
    --tags              A comma separated list of tags to display
    --color             Boolean, enable/disable color, default use git settings
    --verbose           Incremental, increase verbosity (Alias is -v)
    --debug             Show developer output
    --debug-class       Show debug messages originating from a specific package, default: main
    --quiet             Show no output (for cron)
    --syslog            Generate messages to syslog as well
    --syslog-facility   Default "local0"
    --syslog-tag        The program name, default is the script name
    --syslog-debug      Enable debug messages to syslog if in use, default false
    --nopaste           Use App::Nopaste to paste output to configured paste service
    --nopaste-public    Defaults to false, specify to use public paste services
    --nopaste-service   Comma-separated App::Nopaste service, defaults to Shadowcat


This script allows you to copy data from one index to another on the same cluster or
on a separate cluster.  It handles index creation, either directly copying the mapping
and settings from the source index or from mapping/settings JSON files.

This script could also be used to split up an index into smaller indexes for any number of reasons.

This uses the reindex API to copy data from one cluster to another

=head1 NAME - Copy an index from one cluster to another

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<from>

B<REQUIRED>: hostname or IP of the source cluster

=item B<to>

Hostname or IP of the destination cluster, defaults to the same host unless otherwise specified.

=item B<source>

B<REQUIRED>: name of the source index for the copy

=item B<destination>

Optional: change the name of the index on the destination cluster

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( run in 0.413 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )