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lib/App/Chart/Gtk2/  view on Meta::CPAN

  delete $self->{'io_watch'};
  delete $self->{'sock'};
  delete $self->{'pidobj'};
  _unset_job ($self, undef, __('Stopped'));

sub _do_read {
  my ($fd, $conditions, $ref_weak_self) = @_;
  my $self = $$ref_weak_self || return Glib::SOURCE_REMOVE;
  #### Subprocess read: "$self"
  my $sock = $self->{'sock'};
  my $status = undef;

  for (;;) {
    my $buf;
    my $len = $sock->sysread ($buf, 8192);
    #### got: $len
    ### $!

    if (! $len) {
      if (! defined $len) {
        if ($! == EWOULDBLOCK) { last; }  # no more data for now
        my $errmsg = Glib::strerror ($!);
        $self->message ("Subprocess read error: $errmsg\n");
        $status = __('Read error');
      } else {
        # end of file, child closed pipe
        $status = __('Died');
      delete $self->{'io_watch'};
      delete $self->{'sock'};
      delete $self->{'pidobj'};
      _unset_job ($self, $status, $status);
      return Glib::SOURCE_REMOVE;

    my ($new_status, $message) = $self->{'status_parser'}->parse($buf);
    $self->message ($message);
    if (defined $new_status) { $status = $new_status; }

  if (defined $status) {
    if ($status eq 'Idle') {
      _unset_job ($self, __('Done'), __('Idle'));
    } else {
      if (my $job = $self->{'job'}) {
        $job->set (status => $status);
  return Glib::SOURCE_CONTINUE;

sub _update_idle_timer {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $want_timer = ($self->pid && ! $self->{'job'});

  if ($want_timer) {
    $self->{'timer_ids'} ||= Glib::Ex::SourceIds->new
      (Glib::Timeout->add (IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000,
  } else {
    $self->{'timer_ids'} = undef;

sub _do_idle_timeout {
  my ($ref_weak_self) = @_;
  my $self = $$ref_weak_self || return Glib::SOURCE_REMOVE;

      ($store, sub { my ($store, $iter) = @_;
                     $store->get_value($iter,0) == $self });

  $self->{'timer_ids'} = undef;
  return Glib::SOURCE_REMOVE;

# send out a 'row-changed' on the global $store for subprocesses $self
sub _emit_row_changed {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $store->foreach (sub {
                     my ($store, $path, $iter) = @_;
                     my $this = $store->get_value ($iter, 0);
                     if ($this && $this == $self) {
                       $store->row_changed ($path, $iter);

sub all_subprocesses {
  my ($class) = @_;
  return Gtk2::Ex::TreeModelBits::column_contents ($store, 0);

sub remove_done {
  my ($class) = @_;
      ($store, sub { my ($store, $iter) = @_;
                     my $proc = $store->get_value ($iter, 0);
                     return ! $proc->pid;

# generic helpers

sub liststore_append_with_values {
  my $store = shift;
  $store->insert_with_values ($store->iter_n_children(undef), @_);


=for stopwords subprocess Storable stdout EINTR undef

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