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lib/Apache/AuthTicket.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

use Apache::Log;
use MRO::Compat;

sub push_handler {
    my ($class, $phase, $handler) = @_;

    return Apache->push_handlers($phase, $handler);

sub logout ($$) {
    my ($class, $r) = @_;

    if (lc $r->dir_config('Filter') eq 'on') {

    return $class->next::method($r);

sub set_user {
    my ($self, $user) = @_;


sub apache_const {
    my ($self, $const) = @_;
    no strict 'refs';

    return *{"Apache::Constants::$const"}->();




=head1 NAME

Apache::AuthTicket - Cookie Based Access and Authorization Module

=head1 VERSION

version 0.94


 # in httpd.conf
 PerlModule Apache::AuthTicket
 PerlSetVar FooTicketDB DBI:mysql:database=mschout;host=testbed
 PerlSetVar FooTicketDBUser test
 PerlSetVar FooTicketDBPassword secret
 PerlSetVar FooTicketTable tickets:ticket_hash:ts
 PerlSetVar FooTicketUserTable myusers:usename:passwd
 PerlSetVar FooTicketPasswordStyle cleartext
 PerlSetVar FooTicketSecretTable ticket_secrets:sec_data:sec_version
 PerlSetVar FooTicketExpires 15
 PerlSetVar FooTicketLogoutURI /foo/index.html
 PerlSetVar FooTicketLoginHandler /foologin
 PerlSetVar FooTicketIdleTimeout 1
 PerlSetVar FooPath /
 PerlSetVar FooDomain .foo.com
 PerlSetVar FooSecure 1
 PerlSetVar FooLoginScript /foologinform

 <Location /foo>
     AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
     AuthName Foo
     PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthTicket->authenticate
     PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthTicket->authorize
     require valid-user

 <Location /foologinform>
     AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
     AuthName Foo
     SetHandler perl-script
     Perlhandler Apache::AuthTicket->login_screen

 <Location /foologin>
     AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
     AuthName Foo
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket->login
 <Location /foo/logout>
     AuthType Apache::AuthTicket
     AuthName Foo
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Apache::AuthTicket->logout


This module provides ticket based access control.  The theory behind this is
similar to the system described in the eagle book.

This module works using HTTP cookies to check if a user is authorized to view a
page.  I<Apache::AuthCookie> is used as the underlying mechanism for managing

This module was designed to be as extensible as possible.  Its quite likely
that you will want to create your own subclass of I<Apache::AuthTicket> in
order to customize various aspects of this module (show your own versions of
the forms, override database methods etc). 

This system uses cookies to authenticate users.  When a user is authenticated
through this system, they are issued a cookie consisting of the time, the
username of the user, the expriation time of the cookie, a "secret" version
(described later), and a cryptographic signature.  The cryptographic signature
is generated using the MD5 algorithm on the cookie data and a "secret" key that
is read from a database.  Each secret key also has a version number associated
with it.  This allows the site administrator to issue a new secret periodically
without invalidating the current valid tickets.   For example, the site
administrator might periodically insert a new secret key into the databse
periodically, and flush secrets that are more than 2 days old.  Since the
ticket issued to the user contains the secret version, the authentication
process will still allow tickets to be authorized as long as the corresponding

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