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lib/AnyEvent/Whois/  view on Meta::CPAN


  use AnyEvent::Whois::Raw;
  $Net::Whois::Raw::CHECK_FAIL = 1;
  whois '', timeout => 10, sub {
    my $data = shift;
    if ($data) {
      my $srv = shift;
      print "$data from $srv\n";
    elsif (! defined $data) {
      my $srv = shift;
      print "no information for domain on $srv found";
    else {
      my $reason = shift;
      print "whois error: $reason";


This module provides non-blocking AnyEvent compatible wrapper for Net::Whois::Raw.
It is not trivial to make non-blocking module from blocking one without full rewrite.
This wrapper makes such attempt. To decide how ugly or beautiful this attempt implemented
see source code of the module.

=head1 IMPORT

whois() and get_whois() by default

=head1 Net::Whois::Raw compatibilities and incompatibilities


=item All global $Net::Whois::Raw::* options could be specified to change the behavior

=item User defined functions such as *Net::Whois::Raw::whois_query_sockparams and others
will not affect anything

=item In contrast with Net::Whois::Raw whois and get_whois from this module will never die.
On error first parameter of the callback will be false and second will contain error reason



=head2 whois DOMAIN [, SRV [, WHICH_WHOIS] [, %PARAMS]], CB

DOMAIN, SRV and WHICH_WHOIS are same as whois arguments from Net::Whois::Raw.

Available %PARAMS are:


=item timeout => $seconds

Timeout for whois request in seconds

=item on_prepare => $cb

Same as prepare callback from AnyEvent::Socket. So you can bind socket to some ip:

  whois '', on_prepare => sub {
    bind $_[0], AnyEvent::Socket::pack_sockaddr(0, AnyEvent::Socket::parse_ipv4($ip))); 
  }, sub {
    my $info = shift;


CB is a callback which will be called when request will be finished. On success callback arguments
are whois text data and whois server used for request. On failed false value (not undef) and failed reason.

=head2 get_whois DOMAIN [, SRV [, WHICH_WHOIS] [, %PARAMS]], CB

Same explanation.

=head1 NOTICE


=item This module uses AnyEvent::HTTP for http queries, so you should tune $AnyEvent::HTTP::MAX_PER_HOST
to proper value yourself.

=item You should not load Net::Whois::Raw in your code if you are using this module, because this will
cause incorrect work of the module.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Net::Whois::Raw>, L<AnyEvent::HTTP>, L<AnyEvent::Socket>

=head1 AUTHOR

Oleg G, E<lt>oleg@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2011 by Oleg G

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself


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