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lib/AnyEvent/WebSocket/  view on Meta::CPAN

 $client->connect("ws://localhost:1234/service")->cb(sub {
   # make $connection an our variable rather than
   # my so that it will stick around.  Once the
   # connection falls out of scope any callbacks
   # tied to it will be destroyed.
   our $connection = eval { shift->recv };
   if($@) {
     # handle error...
     warn $@;
   # send a message through the websocket...
   $connection->send('a message');
   # recieve message from the websocket...
   $connection->on(each_message => sub {
     # $connection is the same connection object
     # $message isa AnyEvent::WebSocket::Message
     my($connection, $message) = @_;
   # handle a closed connection...
   $connection->on(finish => sub {
     # $connection is the same connection object
     my($connection) = @_;
   # close the connection (either inside or
   # outside another callback)
 ## uncomment to enter the event loop before exiting.
 ## Note that calling recv on a condition variable before
 ## it has been triggered does not work on all event loops


This class provides an interface to interact with a web server that provides
services via the WebSocket protocol in an L<AnyEvent> context.  It uses
L<Protocol::WebSocket> rather than reinventing the wheel.  You could use
L<AnyEvent> and L<Protocol::WebSocket> directly if you wanted finer grain
control, but if that is not necessary then this class may save you some time.

The recommended API was added to the L<AnyEvent::WebSocket::Connection>
class with version 0.12, so it is recommended that you include that version
when using this module.  The older version of the API has since been
deprecated and removed.


=head2 timeout

Timeout for the initial connection to the web server.  The default
is 30.

=head2 ssl_no_verify

If set to true, then secure WebSockets (those that use SSL/TLS) will
not be verified.  The default is false.

=head2 ssl_ca_file

Provide your own CA certificates file instead of using the system default for
SSL/TLS verification.

=head2 protocol_version

The protocol version.  See L<Protocol::WebSocket> for the list of supported
WebSocket protocol versions.

=head2 subprotocol

List of subprotocols to request from the server.  This class will throw an
exception if none of the protocols are supported by the server.

=head2 http_headers

Extra headers to include in the initial request.  May be either specified
as a hash reference, or an array reference.  For example:

   http_headers => {
     'X-Foo' => 'bar',
     'X-Baz' => [ 'abc', 'def' ],
   http_headers => [
     'X-Foo' => 'bar',
     'X-Baz' => 'abc',
     'X-Baz' => 'def',

Will generate:

 X-Foo: bar
 X-Baz: abc
 X-Baz: def

Although, the order cannot be guaranteed when using the hash style.

=head2 max_payload_size

The maximum payload size for received frames.  Currently defaults to whatever
L<Protocol::WebSocket> defaults to.

=head2 max_fragments

The maximum number of fragments for received frames.  Currently defaults to whatever
L<Protocol::WebSocket> defaults to.

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