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package AnyEvent::Subprocess::DefaultDelegates;
  $AnyEvent::Subprocess::DefaultDelegates::VERSION = '1.102912';
# ABSTRACT: sets up default delegate name/builder mappings

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw(confess);

use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Role::WithDelegates::Manager qw(register_delegate);

use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Callback;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::CaptureHandle;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::CompletionCondvar;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Handle;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::MonitorHandle;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::PrintError;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Pty;
use AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Timeout;

register_delegate( 'Handle' => 'AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Handle' );

register_delegate( 'StandardHandles' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    my $prefix = $args->{prefix} || '';
    my $class  = $args->{class}  || 'AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Handle';

    return (
            name      => "${prefix}stdin",
            direction => 'w',
            replace   => \*STDIN,
            name      => "${prefix}stdout",
            direction => 'r',
            replace   => \*STDOUT,
            name      => "${prefix}stderr",
            direction => 'r',
            replace   => \*STDERR,

register_delegate( 'CommHandle' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    my $name = $args->{name} || 'comm';

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Handle->new(
        name          => $name,
        direction     => 'rw',
        pass_to_child => 1,

register_delegate( 'Pty' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    $args->{name} ||= 'pty';

    if(delete $args->{stderr}){
        $args->{redirect_handles} = [

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Pty->new(%$args);

register_delegate( 'CompletionCondvar' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    $args->{name} ||= 'completion_condvar';

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::CompletionCondvar->new(%$args);

register_delegate( 'Callback' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    $args->{name} ||= 'callback';

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Callback->new(%$args);

register_delegate( 'Capture' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    confess 'need handle' unless $args->{handle};
    $args->{name} ||= $args->{handle} . '_capture';

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::CaptureHandle->new(%$args);

register_delegate( 'MonitorHandle' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    confess 'need handle' unless $args->{handle};
    confess 'need callbacks' unless $args->{callbacks} || $args->{callback};

    my $handle = $args->{handle};
    $args->{name} ||= $handle . '_monitor';

    $args->{callbacks} ||= $args->{callback};
    delete $args->{callback};

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::MonitorHandle->new(%$args);

register_delegate('PrintError' => sub {
    my $args = shift || {};
    $args->{name} ||= 'error_printer';

    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::PrintError->new(%$args);

register_delegate( 'Timeout', sub {
   my $args = shift;
    return AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Timeout->new(
        name       => $args->{name} || 'timeout',
        time_limit => $args->{time_limit} || $args->{timeout},
        kill_with  => $args->{kill_with} || 9,



=head1 NAME

AnyEvent::Subprocess::DefaultDelegates - sets up default delegate name/builder mappings

=head1 VERSION

version 1.102912


=head2 Handle

Provides connections to an arbitrary filehandle / fd / pipe / socket /

See L<AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Handle>

=head2 StandardHandles

Provides connections to the child's STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR handles.
Delegates are named stdin/stdout/stderr.  Optional arg prefix adds a
prefix string to the delegates' names.

=head2 CommHandle

Provides a (bidirectional) socket to be shared between the child and
parent.  Optional arg name provides delegate name (so you can have
more than one, if desired).

Optional arg name controls name; defaults to 'comm.

=head2 Pty

Provides the child with stdin and stdout attached to a pseudo-tty, and
provides the parent with a delegate to control this.  Optional arg
stderr controls whether or not the child's stderr will also go to the
pty; defaults to no.

Optional arg name controls name; defaults to 'pty'.

=head2 CompletionCondvar

Supplies a delegate that is a L<AnyEvent::Condvar> that is sent the
child exit information ("Done class") when the child process exits.

=head2 Callback

Sets up an
delegate.  Optional argument name controls callback instance name;
defaults to 'callback'.

=head2 Capture

Captures a handle.  Mandatory arg handle is the name of the handle
delegate to capture.  The handle must be readable by the parent.
(i.e., a socket or a pipe from the child to the parent.)

Delegate is named '[handle name]_capture'.

(Note that you should not use the captured handle for reading anymore;
this delegate will steal all input.  Captured output is returned in
via a delegate in the "done class".)

=head2 MonitorHandle

Calls a list of coderefs whenever a line is read from a handle.

=head2 PrintError

Delegate that calls a callback in the child to print the exception (if
any) the child throws.

Use WithResult if you want to actually get the exception in the parent.

=head1 Timeout

Kill the subprocess with a signal C<kill_with> after C<timeout>
seconds elapse.  See L<AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Timeout>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

See the test suite to see all of these shortcuts in use.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jonathan Rockway <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Jonathan Rockway.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



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