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lib/AnyEvent/Net/Curl/  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 common_opts

L<AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Easy/opts> attribute common to all workers initialized under the same queue.
You may define C<User-Agent> string here.

=head2 http_response

Encapsulate the response with L<HTTP::Response> (only when the scheme is HTTP/HTTPS); a global version of L<AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Easy/http_response>.
Default: disabled.

=head2 completed

Count completed requests.

=head2 cv

L<AnyEvent> condition variable.
Initialized automatically, unless you specify your own.
Also reset automatically after L</wait>, so keep your own reference if you really need it!

=head2 max

Maximum number of parallel connections (default: 4; minimum value: 1).

=head2 multi

L<Net::Curl::Multi> instance.

=head2 queue

C<ArrayRef> to the queue.
Has the following helper methods:

=head2 queue_push

Append item at the end of the queue.

=head2 queue_unshift

Prepend item at the top of the queue.

=head2 dequeue

Shift item from the top of the queue.

=head2 count

Number of items in queue.

=head2 share

L<Net::Curl::Share> instance.

=head2 stats

L<AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Stats> instance.

=head2 timeout

Timeout (default: 60 seconds).

=head2 unique

Signature cache.

=head2 watchdog

The last resort against the non-deterministic chaos of evil lurking sockets.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 inc_completed

Increment the L</completed> counter.

=head2 start()

Populate empty request slots with workers from the queue.

=head2 empty()

Check if there are active requests or requests in queue.

=head2 add($worker)

Activate a worker.

=head2 append($worker)

Put the worker (instance of L<AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Easy>) at the end of the queue.
For lazy initialization, wrap the worker in a C<sub { ... }>, the same way you do with the L<Moo> C<default =E<gt> sub { ... }>:

    $queue->append(sub {
        AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Easy->new({ initial_url => 'http://.../' })

=head2 prepend($worker)

Put the worker (instance of L<AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Easy>) at the beginning of the queue.
For lazy initialization, wrap the worker in a C<sub { ... }>, the same way you do with the L<Moo> C<default =E<gt> sub { ... }>:

    $queue->prepend(sub {
        AnyEvent::Net::Curl::Queued::Easy->new({ initial_url => 'http://.../' })

=head2 wait()

Process queue.

=for Pod::Coverage BUILD

=head1 CAVEAT

=over 4

=item *

Many sources suggest to compile L<libcurl|> with L<c-ares|> support. This only improves performance if you are supposed to do many DNS resolutions (e.g. access many hosts). If you are fetching many documents ...

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