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lib/AnyEvent/Net/Curl/Queued/  view on Meta::CPAN

has timeout     => (is => 'ro', isa => Num, default => sub { 60.0 });

our $VERSION = '0.049'; # VERSION

sub BUILD {
    my ($self) = @_;

    $self->setopt(Net::Curl::Multi::CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS        => $self->max << 2);
    $self->setopt(Net::Curl::Multi::CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION     => \&_cb_socket);
    $self->setopt(Net::Curl::Multi::CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION      => \&_cb_timer);


## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
sub BUILDARGS { return $_[-1] }

# socket callback: will be called by curl any time events on some
# socket must be updated
sub _cb_socket {
    my ($self, undef, $socket, $poll) = @_;

    # Right now $socket belongs to that $easy, but it can be
    # shared with another easy handle if server supports persistent
    # connections.
    # This is why we register socket events inside multi object
    # and not $easy.

    # AnyEvent does not support registering a socket for both
    # reading and writing. This is rarely used so there is no
    # harm in separating the events.

    my $keep = 0;

    # register read event
    if ($poll & Net::Curl::Multi::CURL_POLL_IN) {
        $self->pool->{"r$socket"} = AE::io $socket, 0, sub {
            $self->socket_action($socket, Net::Curl::Multi::CURL_CSELECT_IN);

    # register write event
    if ($poll & Net::Curl::Multi::CURL_POLL_OUT) {
        $self->pool->{"w$socket"} = AE::io $socket, 1, sub {
            $self->socket_action($socket, Net::Curl::Multi::CURL_CSELECT_OUT);

    # deregister old io events
    unless ($keep) {
        delete $self->pool->{"r$socket"};
        delete $self->pool->{"w$socket"};

    return 0;

# timer callback: It triggers timeout update. Timeout value tells
# us how soon socket_action must be called if there were no actions
# on sockets. This will allow curl to trigger timeout events.
sub _cb_timer {
    my ($self, $timeout_ms) = @_;

    # deregister old timer

    my $cb = sub {
            #if $self->handles > 0;

    if ($timeout_ms < 0) {
        # Negative timeout means there is no timeout at all.
        # Normally happens if there are no handles anymore.
        # However, curl_multi_timeout(3) says:
        # Note: if libcurl returns a -1 timeout here, it just means
        # that libcurl currently has no stored timeout value. You
        # must not wait too long (more than a few seconds perhaps)
        # before you call curl_multi_perform() again.

        $self->set_timer(AE::timer 1, 1, $cb);
    } elsif ($timeout_ms < 10) {
        # Short timeouts are just... Weird!
    } else {
        # This will trigger timeouts if there are any.
        $self->set_timer(AE::timer $timeout_ms / 1000, 0, $cb);

    return 0;

around socket_action => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $self = shift;

    my $active = $orig->($self => @_);

    my $i = 0;
    while (my (undef, $easy, $result) = $self->info_read) {
    } continue {

    return $self->set_active($active - $i);

around add_handle => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $self = shift;
    my $easy = shift;

    my $r = $orig->($self => $easy);

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