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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Test::More;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::Socks qw/:constants $SOCKS_ERROR/;
	if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
		plan skip_all => 'Fork + Windows = Fail';
	$ENV{http_proxy} = $ENV{HTTP_PROXY} = 
	$ENV{https_proxy} = $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = 
	$ENV{all_proxy} = $ENV{ALL_PROXY} = undef;

$AnyEvent::HTTP::MAX_PER_HOST = 10;

my ($h_pid, $h_host, $h_port) = make_http_server();
my ($s1_pid, $s1_host, $s1_port) = make_socks_server(4, undef, undef, accept => 1, reply => 2);
my ($s2_pid, $s2_host, $s2_port) = make_socks_server(5, 'root', 'toor', accept => 2, reply => 3);
my ($s3_pid, $s3_host, $s3_port) = make_socks_server(5, undef, undef, reply => 1);
my ($s4_pid, $s4_host, $s4_port) = make_socks_server(4, undef, undef, accept => 5);

my $loop = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $start = time();

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/", socks => "socks4://$s1_host:$s1_port", sub {
	ok(time()-$start<5, "Socks4 with delay=3");
	is($_[0], 'ROOT', 'response over Socks4');

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/index", socks => "socks5://root:toor\@$s2_host:$s2_port", sub {
	ok(time()-$start>3, "Socks5 with auth delay=5");
	is($_[0], 'INDEX', 'response over Socks5 with auth');

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/unknown", socks => "socks5://$s3_host:$s3_port", sub {
	ok(time()-$start<3, "Socks5 delay=1");
	is($_[0], 'UNKNOWN', 'response over Socks5');

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/", timeout => 3, socks => "socks4://$s4_host:$s4_port", sub {
	is($_[1]->{Status}, 595, 'Timeout');

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/", socks => "socks5://$s3_host:$s3_port -> socks4://$s1_host:$s1_port", sub {
	is($_[0], 'ROOT', 'socks5 -> socks4 chain');

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/index", socks => "socks5://$s3_host:$s3_port	socks5://xxx:xxx\@$s2_host:$s2_port", sub {
	is($_[0], undef, 'socks5 -> socks5[auth] chain with bad password');

http_get "http://$h_host:$h_port/index", socks => "socks5://$s3_host:$s3_port  socks5://root:toor\@$s2_host:$s2_port", sub {
	is($_[0], 'INDEX', 'socks5 -> socks5[auth] chain with good password');


kill 15, $_ for ($h_pid, $s1_pid, $s2_pid, $s3_pid, $s4_pid);


sub make_socks_server {
	my ($version, $login, $password, %delay) = @_;
	my $serv = IO::Socket::Socks->new(Listen => 3, SocksVersion => $version, RequireAuth => ($login && $password), UserAuth => sub {
		return $_[0] eq $login && $_[1] eq $password;
	}) or die $@;
	my $child = fork();
	die 'fork: ', $! unless defined $child;
	if ($child == 0) {
		while (1) {
			if ($delay{accept}) {
				sleep $delay{accept};
			my $client = $serv->accept()
				or next;
			my $subchild = fork();
			die 'subfork: ', $! unless defined $subchild;
			if ($subchild == 0) {
				my ($cmd, $host, $port) = @{$client->command()};
				if($cmd == CMD_CONNECT)
				{ # connect
					my $socket = "$IO::Socket::Socks::SOCKET_CLASS"->new(PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => 10);
					if ($delay{reply}) {
						sleep $delay{reply};
						# request granted
						$client->command_reply($version == 4 ? REQUEST_GRANTED : REPLY_SUCCESS, $socket->sockhost, $socket->sockport);
						# request rejected or failed
						$client->command_reply($version == 4 ? REQUEST_FAILED : REPLY_HOST_UNREACHABLE, $host, $port);
					my $selector = IO::Select->new($socket, $client);
						my @ready = $selector->can_read();
						foreach my $s (@ready)
							my $readed = $s->sysread(my $data, 1024);
								# error or socket closed
								last MAIN_CONNECT;
							if($s == $socket)
								# return to client data readed from remote host
								# return to remote host data readed from the client
	return ($child, fix_addr($serv->sockhost), $serv->sockport);

sub make_http_server {
	my $serv = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 3)
		or die $@;
	my $child = fork();
	die 'fork: ', $! unless defined $child;

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( run in 1.816 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-f5108d614456 )