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lib/AnyEvent/FTP/  view on Meta::CPAN

   # hide passwords
   $arguments = 'XXXX' if $cmd =~ /^pass$/i;
   say "CLIENT: $cmd $arguments";

=head2 error

This event is emitted when there is a network error with the remote server.
It passes in a string which describes in human readable description of what
went wrong.

 $client->on_error(sub {
   my($message) = @_;
   warn "network error: $message";

=head2 close

This event is emitted when the connection with the remote server is closed,
either due to an error, or when you send the FTP C<QUIT> command using the
C<quid> method.

 $client->on_close(sub {
   # called when connection closed

=head2 greeting

This event gets fired on the first response returned from the server.  This
is usually a C<220> message which may or may not reveal the server software.

 $client->on_greeting(sub {
   # $res is a AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Response
   my($res) = @_;
   if($res->message->[0] =~ /ProFTPD/)
     # detected a ProFTPD server

=head2 each_response

This event gets fired for each response returned from the server.  This can
be useful for printing the responses for debugging.

 $client->on_each_response(sub {
   # $res isa AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Response
   my($res) = @_;
   print "SERVER: $res\n";

=head2 next_response

Works just like C<each_response> event, but only gets fired for the next response


=head2 timeout

Timeout for the initial connection to the FTP server.  The default
is 30.

=head2 passive

If set to true (the default) then data will be transferred using the
passive (PASV) command, meaning the server will open a port for the
client to connect to.  If set to false then data will be transferred
using data port (PORT) command, meaning the client will open a port
for the server to send to.

=head1 METHODS

Unless otherwise specified, these methods will return an AnyEvent condition variable
(AnyEvent->condvar) or an object that implements its interface (methods C<recv>, C<cb>).
On success the C<send> will be used on the condition variable, on failure C<croak> will be
used instead.  Unless otherwise specified the object sent (for both success and failure)
will be an instance of L<AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Response>.

As an example, here is a fairly thorough handling of a response to the standard FTP C<HELP>

 $client->help->cb(sub {
   my $res = eval { shift->recv };
   if(my $error = $@)
     # $error isa AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Response with a 4xx or 5xx
     # code
     my $code = $error->code;
     # the message component is always a list ref, even if
     # the response had just one message line
     my @msg  = @{ $error->message };
     # $error is stringified into something human readable when
     # it is streated as a string
     warn "error trying FTP HELP command: $error";
     # $res isa AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Response with a 2xx or 3xx
     # code
     my $code = $res->code;
     # the message component is always a list ref, even if
     # the response had just one message line
     my @msg = @{ $res->message };
     # $res is stringified into something human readable when
     # it is streated as a string
     print "help message: $res";

=head2 connect


Connect to the FTP server.  The remote host may be specified in one
of these ways:

=over 4

=item $client-E<gt>connect($host, [ $port ])

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