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lib/Amazon/SQS/  view on Meta::CPAN

    use Amazon::SQS::Simple;

    my $access_key = 'foo'; # Your AWS Access Key ID
    my $secret_key = 'bar'; # Your AWS Secret Key
    # Create an SQS object
    my $sqs = new Amazon::SQS::Simple(AWSAccessKeyId => $access_key, SecretKey => $secret_key);

    # Create a new queue
    my $q = $sqs->CreateQueue('queue_name');

    # Send a message
    my $response = $q->SendMessage('Hello world!');
	# Send multiple messages 
	my @responses = $q->SendMessageBatch(['Hello world', 'Farewell cruel world']);
    # Retrieve a message
    my $msg = $q->ReceiveMessage();
    print $msg->MessageBody() # Hello world!

    # Delete the message
	# or
    # Delete the queue

    # Purge the queue


Amazon::SQS::Simple is an OO API for the Amazon Simple Queue Service.


This version of Amazon::SQS::Simple defaults to work against version
2009-02-01 of the SQS API.

Earlier API versions may or may not work.  


=over 2

=item new($access_key, $secret_key, [%opts])

Constructs a new Amazon::SQS::Simple object

C<$access_key> is your Amazon Web Services access key. C<$secret_key> is your Amazon Web
Services secret key. If you don't have either of these credentials, visit

Options for new:

=over 4

=item Timeout => SECONDS

Set the HTTP user agent's timeout (default is 180 seconds)

=item Version => VERSION_STRING

Specifies the SQS API version you wish to use. E.g.:

 my $sqs = new Amazon::SQS::Simple($access_key, $secret_key, Version => '2008-01-01');



=head1 METHODS

=over 2

=item GetQueue($queue_endpoint)

Gets the queue with the given endpoint. Returns a 
C<Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue> object. (See L<Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue> for details.)

=item CreateQueue($queue_name, [%opts])

Creates a new queue with the given name. Returns a 
C<Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue> object. (See L<Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue> for details.)

Options for CreateQueue:

=over 4

=item DefaultVisibilityTimeout => SECONDS

Set the default visibility timeout for this queue


=item ListQueues([%opts])

Gets a list of all your current queues. Returns an array of 
C<Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue> objects. (See L<Amazon::SQS::Simple::Queue> for details.)

Options for ListQueues:

=over 4

=item QueueNamePrefix => STRING

Only those queues whose name begins with the specified string are returned.




No functions are exported by default; if you want to use them, export them in your use 

    use Amazon::SQS::Simple qw( timestamp );

=over 2

=item timestamp($seconds)

Takes a time in seconds since the epoch and returns a formatted timestamp suitable for
using in a Timestamp or Expires optional method parameter.



The following options can be supplied with any of the listed methods.

=over 2

=item AWSAccessKeyId => STRING

The AWS Access Key Id to use with the method call. If not provided, Amazon::SQS::Simple uses
the value passed to the constructor.

=item SecretKey => STRING

The Secret Key to use with the method call. If not provided, Amazon::SQS::Simple uses
the value passed to the constructor.

=item Timestamp => TIMESTAMP

All methods are automatically given a timestamp of the time at which they are called,
but you can override this value if you need to. The value for this key should be a
timestamp as returned by the Amazon::SQS::Simple::timestamp() function.

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