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inc/inc_File-Fetch/File/  view on Meta::CPAN

        URI                 => '0.0',


    if( can_load(modules => $use_list) ) {

        ### setup the uri object
        my $uri = URI->new( File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
                                    $self->path, $self->file
                        ) );

        ### special rules apply for file:// uris ###
        $uri->scheme( $self->scheme );
        $uri->host( $self->scheme eq 'file' ? '' : $self->host );
        $uri->userinfo("anonymous:$FROM_EMAIL") if $self->scheme ne 'file';

        ### set up the useragent object
        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
        $ua->timeout( $TIMEOUT ) if $TIMEOUT;
        $ua->agent( $USER_AGENT );
        $ua->from( $FROM_EMAIL );

        my $res = $ua->mirror($uri, $to) or return;

        ### uptodate or fetched ok ###
        if ( $res->code == 304 or $res->code == 200 ) {
            return $to;

        } else {
            return $self->_error(loc("Fetch failed! HTTP response: %1 %2 [%3]",
                        $res->code, HTTP::Status::status_message($res->code),

    } else {
        $METHOD_FAIL->{'lwp'} = 1;

### Net::FTP fetching
sub _netftp_fetch {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;

    my ($to);
    my $tmpl = {
        to  => { required => 1, store => \$to }
    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### required modules ###
    my $use_list = { 'Net::FTP' => 0 };

    if( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {

        ### make connection ###
        my $ftp;
        my @options = ($self->host);
        push(@options, Timeout => $TIMEOUT) if $TIMEOUT;
        unless( $ftp = Net::FTP->new( @options ) ) {
            return $self->_error(loc("Ftp creation failed: %1",$@));

        ### login ###
        unless( $ftp->login( anonymous => $FROM_EMAIL ) ) {
            return $self->_error(loc("Could not login to '%1'",$self->host));

        ### set binary mode, just in case ###

        ### create the remote path 
        ### remember remote paths are unix paths! [#11483]
        my $remote = File::Spec::Unix->catfile( $self->path, $self->file );

        ### fetch the file ###
        my $target;
        unless( $target = $ftp->get( $remote, $to ) ) {
            return $self->_error(loc("Could not fetch '%1' from '%2'",
                        $remote, $self->host));

        ### log out ###

        return $target;

    } else {
        $METHOD_FAIL->{'netftp'} = 1;

### /bin/wget fetch ###
sub _wget_fetch {
    my $self = shift;
    my %hash = @_;

    my ($to);
    my $tmpl = {
        to  => { required => 1, store => \$to }
    check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

    ### see if we have a wget binary ###
    if( my $wget = can_run('wget') ) {

        ### no verboseness, thanks ###
        my $cmd = [ $wget, '--quiet' ];

        ### if a timeout is set, add it ###
        push(@$cmd, '--timeout=' . $TIMEOUT) if $TIMEOUT;

        ### run passive if specified ###
        push @$cmd, '--passive-ftp' if $FTP_PASSIVE;

        ### set the output document, add the uri ###
        push @$cmd, '--output-document', 
                    ### DO NOT quote things for IPC::Run, it breaks stuff.

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