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src/subversion/subversion/libsvn_subr/config_file.c  view on Meta::CPAN

   ""                                                                        NL
   "and one for per-user configuration:"                                     NL
   ""                                                                        NL
   "  Unix:"                                                                 NL
   "    ~/.subversion/servers"                                               NL
   "    ~/.subversion/config"                                                NL
   "    ~/.subversion/hairstyles"                                            NL
   "  Windows:"                                                              NL
   "    %APPDATA%\\Subversion\\servers"                                      NL
   "    %APPDATA%\\Subversion\\config"                                       NL
   "    %APPDATA%\\Subversion\\hairstyles"                                   NL
   "    REGISTRY:HKCU\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Servers"            NL
   "    REGISTRY:HKCU\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Config"             NL
   "    REGISTRY:HKCU\\Software\\\\Subversion\\Hairstyles"         NL
   ""                                                                        NL;

      err = svn_io_file_open(&f, path,
                             (APR_WRITE | APR_CREATE | APR_EXCL),

      if (! err)
          SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(f, contents,
                                         strlen(contents), NULL, pool));
          SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_close(f, pool));


  /** Ensure that the `servers' file exists. **/
          (&path, config_dir, SVN_CONFIG_CATEGORY_SERVERS, pool));

  if (! path)  /* highly unlikely, since a previous call succeeded */
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  err = svn_io_check_path(path, &kind, pool);
  if (err)
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  if (kind == svn_node_none)
      apr_file_t *f;
      const char *contents =
        "### This file specifies server-specific parameters,"                NL
        "### including HTTP proxy information, HTTP timeout settings,"       NL
        "### and authentication settings."                                   NL
        "###"                                                                NL
        "### The currently defined server options are:"                      NL
        "###   http-proxy-host            Proxy host for HTTP connection"    NL
        "###   http-proxy-port            Port number of proxy host service" NL
        "###   http-proxy-username        Username for auth to proxy service"NL
        "###   http-proxy-password        Password for auth to proxy service"NL
        "###   http-proxy-exceptions      List of sites that do not use proxy"
        "###   http-timeout               Timeout for HTTP requests in seconds"
        "###   http-compression           Whether to compress HTTP requests" NL
        "###   http-max-connections       Maximum number of parallel server" NL
        "###                              connections to use for any given"  NL
        "###                              HTTP operation."                   NL
        "###   http-chunked-requests      Whether to use chunked transfer"   NL
        "###                              encoding for HTTP requests body."  NL
        "###   neon-debug-mask            Debug mask for Neon HTTP library"  NL
        "###   ssl-authority-files        List of files, each of a trusted CA"
        "###   ssl-trust-default-ca       Trust the system 'default' CAs"    NL
        "###   ssl-client-cert-file       PKCS#12 format client certificate file"
        "###   ssl-client-cert-password   Client Key password, if needed."   NL
        "###   ssl-pkcs11-provider        Name of PKCS#11 provider to use."  NL
        "###   http-library               Which library to use for http/https"
        "###                              connections."                      NL
        "###   http-bulk-updates          Whether to request bulk update"    NL
        "###                              responses or to fetch each file"   NL
        "###                              in an individual request. "        NL
        "###   store-passwords            Specifies whether passwords used"  NL
        "###                              to authenticate against a"         NL
        "###                              Subversion server may be cached"   NL
        "###                              to disk in any way."               NL
        "###   store-plaintext-passwords  Specifies whether passwords may"   NL
        "###                              be cached on disk unencrypted."    NL
        "###   store-ssl-client-cert-pp   Specifies whether passphrase used" NL
        "###                              to authenticate against a client"  NL
        "###                              certificate may be cached to disk" NL
        "###                              in any way"                        NL
        "###   store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext"                           NL
        "###                              Specifies whether client cert"     NL
        "###                              passphrases may be cached on disk" NL
        "###                              unencrypted (i.e., as plaintext)." NL
        "###   store-auth-creds           Specifies whether any auth info"   NL
        "###                              (passwords, server certs, etc.)"   NL
        "###                              may be cached to disk."            NL
        "###   username                   Specifies the default username."   NL
        "###"                                                                NL
        "### Set store-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing passwords on disk" NL
        "### in any way, including in password stores.  It defaults to"      NL
        "### 'yes', but Subversion will never save your password to disk in" NL
        "### plaintext unless explicitly configured to do so."               NL
        "### Note that this option only prevents saving of *new* passwords;" NL
        "### it doesn't invalidate existing passwords.  (To do that, remove" NL
        "### the cache files by hand as described in the Subversion book.)"  NL
        "###"                                                                NL
        "### Set store-plaintext-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing"         NL
        "### passwords in unencrypted form in the auth/ area of your config" NL
        "### directory. Set it to 'yes' to allow Subversion to store"        NL
        "### unencrypted passwords in the auth/ area.  The default is"       NL
        "### 'ask', which means that Subversion will ask you before"         NL
        "### saving a password to disk in unencrypted form.  Note that"      NL
        "### this option has no effect if either 'store-passwords' or "      NL

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