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lib/Algorithm/Backoff/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Algorithm::Backoff::RetryTimeouts;

use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Algorithm::Backoff::Exponential;
use base qw< Algorithm::Backoff::Exponential >;

use Storable    qw< dclone >;
use Time::HiRes qw< time   >;

use namespace::clean;

# ABSTRACT: A backoff-style retry algorithm with adjustable timeout support
use version;
our $VERSION = 'v1.0.0'; # VERSION

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod     use Algorithm::Backoff::RetryTimeouts;
#pod     my $retry_algo = Algorithm::Backoff::RetryTimeouts->new(
#pod         # common adjustments (defaults shown)
#pod         max_attempts          => 8,
#pod         max_actual_duration   => 50,
#pod         jitter_factor         => 0.1,
#pod         timeout_jitter_factor => 0.1,
#pod         adjust_timeout_factor => 0.5,
#pod         min_adjust_timeout    => 5,
#pod         # other defaults
#pod         initial_delay         => sqrt(2),
#pod         exponent_base         => sqrt(2),
#pod         delay_on_success      => 0,
#pod         min_delay             => 0,
#pod         max_delay             => undef,
#pod         consider_actual_delay => 1,
#pod     );
#pod     my ($delay, $timeout);
#pod     $timeout = $retry_algo->timeout;
#pod     my $is_successful = 0;
#pod     while (!$is_successful) {
#pod         $actionee->timeout( $timeout );
#pod         $is_successful = $actionee->do_the_thing;
#pod         ($delay, $timeout) = $is_successful ? $retry_algo->success : $retry_algo->failure;
#pod         die "Ran out of time" if $delay == -1;
#pod         sleep $delay;
#pod     }
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod This module is a subclass of L<Algorithm::Backoff::Exponential> that adds support for
#pod adjustable timeouts during each retry.  This also comes with a sane set of defaults as a
#pod good baseline for most kinds of retry operations.
#pod A combination of features solves for most problems that would arise from retry operations:
#pod =over
#pod =item *
#pod B<Maximum attempts> - Forces the algorithm to give up if repeated attempts don't yield
#pod success.
#pod =item *
#pod B<Maximum duration> - Forces the algorithm to give up if no successes happen within a
#pod certain time frame.
#pod =item *
#pod B<Exponential backoff> - A C<sqrt(2)> exponential delay keeps single retries from waiting
#pod too long, while spreading out repeated retries that may fail too quickly and run out of
#pod max attempts.  This also decreases the congestion that happens with repeated attempts.
#pod =item *
#pod B<Jitter> - Adding random jitter to the retry delays solves for the Thundering Herd
#pod problem.

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