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lib/AWS/SQS/  view on Meta::CPAN

$ob->send_message( \%params_hash    ) ;

my %params_hash = (

      QUEUE_NAME            => QUEUE Name        ,

    'AttributeName.n'       => The attribute you want to get. Valid values: All | SenderId | SentTimestamp | ApproximateReceiveCount | ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp   ,  [ OPTIONAL ]
      'MaxNumberOfMessages' => Maximum number of messages to return. Default - 1 , [ OPTIONAL ]
      'VisibilityTimeout'   => The duration in seconds that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request. Default - The visibility timeout for the queue , [ OPTIONAL ]
      'WaitTimeSeconds'     => Long poll support (integer from 1 to 20 , [ OPTIONAL ]


$ob->receive_message->( \%params_hash )


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