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    if ( $playSoundSet ) {
      $playSoundSet = 0;

      if ( ( $ERRORS{$status} == $ERRORS{OK} or ( $ERRORS{$status} >= $ERRORS{DEPENDENT} and $ERRORS{$status} != $ERRORS{'NO DATA'} and $ERRORS{$status} != $ERRORS{TRENDLINE} ) ) and ( ( $playSoundPreviousStatus >= $ERRORS{WARNING} and $playSoundPrev...
        if ( defined $tableSoundStatusCache { $catalogID_uniqueKey } ) {
          if ( $tableSoundStatusCache { $catalogID_uniqueKey } ne $timeslot ) {
            $playSoundStatus = ($playSoundStatus > $playSoundPreviousStatus) ? $playSoundStatus : $playSoundPreviousStatus; 
            $tableSoundStatusCache { $catalogID_uniqueKey } = $timeslot;
            $debugInfo .= "$playSoundStatus-" if ($debug);
            $boldStart = "<b>["; $boldEnd = "]</b>";
          } else {
            $debugInfo .= "C-" if ($debug);
        } else {
          $playSoundStatus = ($playSoundStatus > $playSoundPreviousStatus) ? $playSoundStatus : $playSoundPreviousStatus;
          $tableSoundStatusCache { $catalogID_uniqueKey } = $timeslot;
          $debugInfo .= "$playSoundStatus-" if ($debug);
          $boldStart = "<b>["; $boldEnd = "]</b>";
      } else {
        delete $tableSoundStatusCache { $catalogID_uniqueKey } if ( defined $tableSoundStatusCache { $catalogID_uniqueKey } );

  if ($displayTime) {
    $itemFullCondensedView .= '    <TD><IMG SRC="'. $IMAGESURL .'/'. $statusIcon .'" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER=0 title="'. $status .'" alt="'. $status .'"></TD>'. "\n";
    $itemFullCondensedView .= '    <TD class="ItemStatus"><FONT COLOR="'. $COLORS{$status} .'">'. $debugInfo . $boldStart . $endTime . $boldEnd .'</FONT></TD>'. "\n";
  } else {
    $itemFullCondensedView .= '    <TD><IMG SRC="'. $IMAGESURL .'/'. $statusIcon .'" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER=0 title="'. $endTime .'" alt="'. $endTime .'"></TD>'. "\n";

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub printStatusMessage {
  my ($statusMessage) = @_;

  my $break = '';
  my $errorMessage;

  # ***************************************************************************
  # The 400 series of Web error codes indicate an error with your Web browser *
  # ***************************************************************************
  if ($statusMessage =~ /400 Bad Request/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The request could not be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /401 Unauthorized User/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The client does not have access to this resource, authorization is needed';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /402 Payment Required/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'Payment is required. Reserved for future use';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /403 Forbidden Connection/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Access to a resource is not allowed. The most frequent case of this occurs when directory listing access is not allowed';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /404 Page Not Found/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The resource request was not found. This is the code returned for missing pages or graphics. Viruses will often attempt to access resources that do not exist, so the error does not necessarily represent a problem';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /405 Method Not Allowed/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The access method (GET, POST, HEAD) is not allowed on this resource';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /406 Not Acceptable/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'None of the acceptable file types (as requested by client) are available for this resource';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /407 Proxy Authentication Required/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The client does not have access to this resource, proxy authorization is needed';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /408 Request Timeout/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The client did not send a request within the required time period';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /409 Conflict/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /410 Gone/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is similar to 404, except that the 410 error condition is expected to be permanent. Any robot seeing this response sho...
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /411 Length Required/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The request requires the Content-Length HTTP request field to be specified';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /412 Precondition Failed/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /413 Request Entity Too Large/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /414 Request URL Too Large/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret The URL is too long (possibly too many query keyword/value pairs)';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /415 Unsupported Media Type/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /416 Requested Range Invalid/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The portion of the resource requested is not available or out of range';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /417 Expectation Failed/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The Expect specifier in the HTTP request header can not be met';
  # ***************************************************************************
  # The 500 series of Web error codes indicate an error with the Web server   *
  # ***************************************************************************
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /500 Can't connect to proxy/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server had some sort of internal error trying to fulfil the request. The client may see a partial page or error message';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /500 Connect failed/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server had some sort of internal error trying to fulfil the request. The client may see a partial page or error message';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /500 Internal Server Error/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server had some sort of internal error trying to fulfil the request. The client may see a partial page or error message (client certificate maybe needed)';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /500 Proxy connect failed/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server had some sort of internal error trying to fulfil the request. The client may see a partial page or error message';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /500 Server Error/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server had some sort of internal error trying to fulfil the request. The client may see a partial page or error message';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /500 SSL read timeout/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server had some sort of internal error trying to fulfil the request. The client may see a partial page or error message';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /501 Not Implemented/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'Function not implemented in Web server software. The request needs functionality not available on the server';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /502 Bad Gateway/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'Bad Gateway: a server being used by this Web server has sent an invalid response. The response by an intermediary server was invalid. This may happen if there is a problem with the DNS routing tables';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /503 Service Unavailable/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'Service temporarily unavailable because of currently/temporary overload or maintenance';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /504 Gateway Timeout/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server did not respond back to the gateway within acceptable time period';
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /505 HTTP Version Not Supported/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'The server does not support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message';
  # ***************************************************************************
  # Error codes indicate an error with the ...                                *
  # ***************************************************************************
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /Failure of server APACHE bridge/ ) {
    $errorMessage = 'Weblogic Bridge Message: Failure of server APACHE bridge';

    if ($statusMessage =~ /No backend server available for connection/ ) {
      $errorMessage .= ' - No backend server available for connection';
    } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /Cannot connect to the server/ ) {
      $errorMessage .= ' - Cannot connect to the server';
    } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /Cannot connect to WebLogic/ ) {
      $errorMessage .= ' - Cannot connect to WebLogic';
  # ***************************************************************************
  # Error codes indicate an error with Cactus XML::Parser                     *
  # ***************************************************************************
  } elsif ($statusMessage =~ /Cactus XML::Parser:/ ) {
    $statusMessage =~ s/\+{2}/\+\+<br>/g;
  } elsif (-s "$APPLICATIONPATH/custom/") {
    require "$APPLICATIONPATH/custom/";
	  $errorMessage = printStatusMessageCustom( decode_html_entities('E', $statusMessage) );

  my $returnMessage = '  <TR><TD WIDTH="56">&nbsp;</TD><TD VALIGN="TOP">' . $statusMessage . '</TD></TR>' . "\n";
  $returnMessage .= '  <TR><TD WIDTH="56">&nbsp;</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD class="StatusMessageError">' . encode_html_entities('E', $errorMessage) . '</TD></TR>' . "\n" if ($errorMessage); 
  return ( $returnMessage );

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub printHtmlFooter {
  my $title = @_;

  print HTML    "</BODY>\n</HTML>";
  print HTMLCV  "</BODY>\n</HTML>";
  print HTMLMCV "</BODY>\n</HTML>";

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub printGroepFooter {
  my ($title, $show) = @_;

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub printItemFooter {
  my ($catalogID_uniqueKey, $catalogID, $uniqueKey, $title, $status, $timeslot, $statusIcon, $insertInMCV, $inIMW, $itemFullCondensedView, $printCondensedView, $arrayStatusMessage, $catalogID_uKey_timeperiodID) = @_;

  $itemFullCondensedView .= "</TR>\n";

  if (@$arrayStatusMessage) {
    $itemFullCondensedView .= '<TR style="{height: 0;}"><TD COLSPAN="'. $colspanDisplayTime .'"><DIV id="'.$catalogID_uniqueKey.'" style="display:none"><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=2>'. "\n";
    foreach my $arrayStatusMessage ( @$arrayStatusMessage ) { $itemFullCondensedView .= printStatusMessage ( $arrayStatusMessage ); }
    $itemFullCondensedView .= "</TABLE></DIV></TD></TR>\n";

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