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lib/arcxd.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

The verbose option. If this option is set, arcxd is verbose in its context. This option does not influence the ARCv2 object. Use -d for it.



=head2 Example:

   service = arc
   timeout = 30

   host = 0
   post = 4242

   max_requests = 1000
   min_servers = 5
   max_servers = 50
   max_spare_servers = 10
   min_spare_servers = 2

   pid_file = /var/run/
   sasl_mechanisms = <<EOM

   uptime = Arc::Command::Uptime
   whoami = Arc::Command::Whoami
   copy = Arc::Command::Get
   cp = Arc::Command::Get
   get = Arc::Command::Get
   put = Arc::Command::Put
   test = Arc::Command::Test
   help = Arc::Command::Help
   h = Arc::Command::Help
   hlp = Arc::Command::Help

   level = 7
   destination = syslog

The configuration file is based on .ini format, known from Windows (sorry). 
In perl we can parse it, using Config::IniFiles. The configuration file is divided into
several sections. Each section can have a several number of key/value pairs.

=head2 main

=over 4

=item service

The name of the service the SASL authentication mechanism shall use.

=item timeout

Timeout in seconds to wait for data in control and command connection.


=head2 arcd

=over 4

=item host

Here you can specify the address the server shall wait for connections. 0 lets the server listen on all interface on the host. 

=item port

On which port the server shall listen on, can be overridden by the mentioned -p option.

=item max_requests

=item min_servers

=item max_servers

=item max_spare_servers

=item min_spare_servers

These variables define the preforking behaviour. See L<Net::Server::PreFork> 
for more detailed descriptions.

=item sasl_mechanisms

A list of the possible SASL mechanisms, the server can supply to the clients. Can be filled by using the multi-line-string method known from perl.


=head2 commands

=over 4

=item B<Command Name> = B<Command Class>

The section [commands] defines the assignments of command names to their command class. Each line is a command in ARCv2. A class can be assigned to more than one name.


=head2 logging

=over 4

=item loglevel

This option specifies the login level of ARCv2. Default is 5, whereas 7 is the highest (DEBUG) and 1 is the lowest.

=item destination

This option defines the log output destination. Possible values are "stderr" and "syslog". 


=head1 SEE ALSO

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