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lib/arcx.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

=item -W <password>

Use the <password> for authentication. (Only if an appropriate mechanism is used. (eg. PLAIN)).

=item -s <mechanism>

For authentication use the given <mechanism>. (Default: let the server decide.)

=item -t <timeout>

Timeout in seconds to wait for data in control and command connection.

=item -r <string>

<string> is going to be written to the established command connection, when command is used. (Do not wait for user input on STDIN).

eg.: arcx -r "data" test 
results in "at".

=item command

lib/arcxd.pod  view on Meta::CPAN

=head2 main

=over 4

=item service

The name of the service the SASL authentication mechanism shall use.

=item timeout

Timeout in seconds to wait for data in control and command connection.


=head2 arcd

=over 4

=item host

Here you can specify the address the server shall wait for connections. 0 lets the server listen on all interface on the host. 

scripts/arcx  view on Meta::CPAN

$SIG{KILL} = \&interrupt;
$SIG{INT}  = \&interrupt;
$SIG{TERM} = \&interrupt;
$SIG{HUP} = \&interrupt;

getopts("01S:l:nh:s:p:L:r:t:vaA:uU:wW:f:FC:V",\%args) || usage("Wrong parameter construction.");

usage() if $args{V};

usage("Timeout value must be numeric.") if (defined $args{t} && $args{t} !~ /^\d+$/);
usage("If using -r, a string must be appended.") if (defined $args{r} && length($args{r}) == 0);
usage("Port must be a number correct number.") if (defined $args{p} && $args{p} != 1 && $args{p} !~ /^\d+$/);
usage("Logging destination not chosen correctly.") if (defined $args{L} && ($args{L} ne "syslog" && $args{L} ne "stderr"));

$args{t} = defined $args{t} ? $args{t} : undef;
$args{l} = defined $args{l} ? $args{l} : 0;
$args{L} = defined $args{L} ? $args{L} : 'stderr';
$args{S} = defined $args{S} ? $args{S} : 'arc';
$args{f} = defined $args{f} && $args{f} ne "" ? $args{f} : $ENV{HOME}.'/.archistory';
$args{C} = defined $args{C} && $args{C} ne "" ? $args{C} : $Arc::ConfigPath.'/arcx.conf';

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