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t/run/switches.t  view on Meta::CPAN

    like( runperl( switches => [ '-M-=' ], stderr => 1,
		   prog => 'die q{oops}' ),
	  qr/Module name required with -M option\b/,
  	  "-M- not allowed" );
  }  # disable TODO on VMS
is runperl(stderr => 1, prog => '#!perl -m'),
   qq 'Too late for "-m" option at -e line 1.\n', '#!perl -m';
is runperl(stderr => 1, prog => '#!perl -M'),
   qq 'Too late for "-M" option at -e line 1.\n', '#!perl -M';

# Tests for -V

    local $TODO = '';   # these ones should work on VMS

    # basic perl -V should generate significant output.
    # we don't test actual format too much since it could change
    like( runperl( switches => ['-V'] ), qr/(\n.*){20}/,
          '-V generates 20+ lines' );

    like( runperl( switches => ['-V'] ),
	  qr/\ASummary of my perl5 .*configuration:/,
          '-V looks okay' );

    # lookup a known config var
    chomp( $r=runperl( switches => ['-V:osname'] ) );
    is( $r, "osname='$^O';", 'perl -V:osname');

    # lookup a nonexistent var
    chomp( $r=runperl( switches => ['-V:this_var_makes_switches_test_fail'] ) );
    is( $r, "this_var_makes_switches_test_fail='UNKNOWN';",
        'perl -V:unknown var');

    # regexp lookup
    # platforms that don't like this quoting can either skip this test
    # or fix _quote_args
    $r = runperl( switches => ['"-V:i\D+size"'] );
    # should be unlike( $r, qr/^$|not found|UNKNOWN/ );
    like( $r, qr/^(?!.*(not found|UNKNOWN))./, 'perl -V:re got a result' );

    # make sure each line we got matches the re
    ok( !( grep !/^i\D+size=/, split /^/, $r ), '-V:re correct' );

# Tests for -v

    local $TODO = '';   # these ones should work on VMS
    # There may be build configs where this test will fail; DG/UX was one,
    # but we no longer support it. Maybe we should remove these special cases?
        skip "Win32 miniperl produces a default archname in -v", 1
	  if $^O eq 'MSWin32' && is_miniperl;
        my $v = sprintf "%vd", $^V;
        my $ver = $Config{PERL_VERSION};
        my $rel = $Config{PERL_SUBVERSION};
        like( runperl( switches => ['-v'] ),
	      qr/This is perl 5, version \Q$ver\E, subversion \Q$rel\E \(v\Q$v\E(?:[-*\w]+| \([^)]+\))?\) built for \Q$Config{archname}\E.+Copyright.+Larry Wall.+Artistic License.+GNU General Public License/s,
              '-v looks okay' );

# Tests for -h and -?

    local $TODO = '';   # these ones should work on VMS

    like( runperl( switches => ['-h'] ),
	  qr/Usage: .+(?i:perl(?:$Config{_exe})?).+switches.+programfile.+arguments/,
          '-h looks okay' );

    like( runperl( switches => ['-?'] ),
	  qr/Usage: .+(?i:perl(?:$Config{_exe})?).+switches.+programfile.+arguments/,
          '-? looks okay' );


# Tests for switches which do not exist

foreach my $switch (split //, "ABbGHJjKkLNOoPQqRrYyZz123456789_")
    local $TODO = '';   # these ones should work on VMS

    like( runperl( switches => ["-$switch"], stderr => 1,
		   prog => 'die q{oops}' ),
	  qr/\QUnrecognized switch: -$switch  (-h will show valid options)./,
          "-$switch correctly unknown" );

    # [perl #104288]
    like( runperl( stderr => 1, prog => "#!perl -$switch" ),
	  qr/^Unrecognized switch: -$switch  \(-h will show valid (?x:
	     )options\) at -e line 1\./,
          "-$switch unrecognised on #! line" );

# Tests for unshebangable switches
for (qw( e f x E S V )) {
    $r = runperl(
	stderr   => 1,
	prog     => "#!perl -$_",
    is $r, "Can't emulate -$_ on #! line at -e line 1.\n","-$_ on #! line";

# Tests for -i

    local $TODO = '';   # these ones should work on VMS

    sub do_i_unlink { unlink_all("tmpswitches", "tmpswitches.bak") }

    open(FILE, ">tmpswitches") or die "$0: Failed to create 'tmpswitches': $!";
    my $yada = <<__EOF__;
foo yada dada
bada foo bing
king kong foo

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