
 view release on metacpan or  search on metacpan

META.json  view on Meta::CPAN

         "requires" : {
            "Data::Dumper" : "0",
            "Encode" : "0",
            "Exporter" : "0",
            "Getopt::Long" : "0",
            "List::MoreUtils" : "0",
            "List::Util" : "1.33",
            "Module::Runtime" : "0",
            "Moo" : "0",
            "Moo::Role" : "0",
            "Ref::Util" : "0",
            "Scalar::Util" : "0",
            "Term::ANSIColor" : "0",
            "Text::Table" : "0",
            "YAML::PP" : "0.015",
            "base" : "0",
            "perl" : "v5.10.0",
            "strict" : "0",
            "warnings" : "0"

META.yml  view on Meta::CPAN

  Data::Dumper: '0'
  Encode: '0'
  Exporter: '0'
  Getopt::Long: '0'
  List::MoreUtils: '0'
  List::Util: '1.33'
  Module::Runtime: '0'
  Moo: '0'
  Moo::Role: '0'
  Ref::Util: '0'
  Scalar::Util: '0'
  Term::ANSIColor: '0'
  Text::Table: '0'
  YAML::PP: '0.015'
  base: '0'
  perl: v5.10.0
  strict: '0'
  warnings: '0'

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

  "PREREQ_PM" => {
    "Data::Dumper" => 0,
    "Encode" => 0,
    "Exporter" => 0,
    "Getopt::Long" => 0,
    "List::MoreUtils" => 0,
    "List::Util" => "1.33",
    "Module::Runtime" => 0,
    "Moo" => 0,
    "Moo::Role" => 0,
    "Ref::Util" => 0,
    "Scalar::Util" => 0,
    "Term::ANSIColor" => 0,
    "Text::Table" => 0,
    "YAML::PP" => "0.015",
    "base" => 0,
    "strict" => 0,
    "warnings" => 0
    "File::Spec" => 0,

lib/App/Spec/Role/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
package App::Spec::Role::Command;

our $VERSION = '0.013'; # VERSION

use YAML::PP;
use List::Util qw/ any /;
use App::Spec::Option;
use Ref::Util qw/ is_arrayref /;

use Moo::Role;

has name => ( is => 'rw' );
has markup => ( is => 'rw', default => 'pod' );
has class => ( is => 'rw' );
has op => ( is => 'ro' );
has plugins => ( is => 'ro' );
has plugins_by_type => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { +{} } );
has options => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { +[] } );

lib/App/Spec/  view on Meta::CPAN

# ABSTRACT: App::Spec framework to run your app
use strict;
use warnings;
package App::Spec::Run;
use 5.010;
our $VERSION = '0.013'; # VERSION

use App::Spec::Run::Validator;
use App::Spec::Run::Response;
use Getopt::Long qw/ :config pass_through bundling /;
use Ref::Util qw/ is_arrayref /;
use Moo;

has spec => ( is => 'ro' );
has options => ( is => 'rw' );
has parameters => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { +{} } );
has commands => ( is => 'rw' );
has argv => ( is => 'rw' );
has argv_orig => ( is => 'rw' );
#has runmode => ( is => 'rw', default => 'normal' );
has validation_errors => ( is => 'rw' );

lib/App/Spec/Run/  view on Meta::CPAN

# ABSTRACT: Processes and validates options and parameters
use strict;
use warnings;
package App::Spec::Run::Validator;

our $VERSION = '0.013'; # VERSION;

use List::Util qw/ any /;
use List::MoreUtils qw/ uniq /;
use Ref::Util qw/ is_arrayref is_hashref /;
use Moo;

has options => ( is => 'ro' );
has option_specs => ( is => 'ro' );
has parameters => ( is => 'ro' );
has param_specs => ( is => 'ro' );

my %validate = (
    string => sub { length($_[0]) > 0 },
    file => sub { $_[0] eq '-' or -f $_[0] },

t/lib/App/Spec/Example/  view on Meta::CPAN

package App::Spec::Example::MyApp;
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;

use Ref::Util qw/ is_arrayref is_hashref /;

use base 'App::Spec::Run::Cmd';

sub _dump_hash {
    my ($self, $hash) = @_;
    my @strings;
    for my $key (sort keys %$hash) {
        next unless defined $hash->{ $key };
        my $value = $hash->{ $key };
        if (is_hashref($value)) {

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