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lib/App/ElasticSearch/Utilities/  view on Meta::CPAN

package App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Metrics;
# ABSTRACT: Fetches performance metrics about the node

use v5.16;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '8.8'; # VERSION

use App::ElasticSearch::Utilities qw(es_connect);
use CLI::Helpers qw(:output);
use JSON::MaybeXS;
use Ref::Util qw(is_ref is_arrayref is_hashref);
use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Bool HashRef InstanceOf Int Str );

use Moo;
use namespace::autoclean;

has 'connection' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => InstanceOf['App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Connection'],
    default => sub { es_connect() },
    handles => [qw(host port request)],

my @_IGNORES = qw(
    _all _shards
    attributes id timestamp uptime_in_millis

has 'ignore' => (
    is      => 'lazy',
    isa     => ArrayRef[Str],
    default => sub {
        my ($self) = @_;

        my %roles = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->node_details->{roles} };
        my @ignore = qw(adaptive_selection discovery);

        # Easy roles and sections are the same
        foreach my $section ( qw(ingest ml transform) ) {
            push @ignore, $section
                unless $roles{$section};

        if( ! $roles{ml} ) {
            push @ignore, qw(ml_datafeed ml_job_comms ml_utility);

        # Skip some sections if we're not a data node
        if( ! grep { /^data/ } keys %roles ) {
            push @ignore, qw(force_merge indexing indices merges pressure recovery segments translog);

        return \@ignore;

has 'node_details' => (
    is => 'lazy',
    isa => HashRef,
    init_arg => undef,

sub _build_node_details {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if( my $res = $self->request('_nodes/_local')->content ) {
        if( my $nodes = $res->{nodes} ) {
            my ($id) = keys %{ $nodes };

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