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script/gen-generic-ind-company-names  view on Meta::CPAN

### Text/Table/ ###
#package Text::Table::Tiny;
#$Text::Table::Tiny::VERSION = '1.02';
#use 5.010;
#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use utf8;
#use parent 'Exporter';
#use Carp                    qw/ croak /;
#use Ref::Util         0.202 qw/ is_arrayref /;
#use String::TtyLength 0.02  qw/ tty_width /;
#our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ generate_table /;
## Legacy package globals, that can be used to customise the look.
## These are only used in the "classic" style.
## I wish I could drop them, but I don't want to break anyone's code.
#our $COLUMN_SEPARATOR     = '|';
#our $ROW_SEPARATOR        = '-';
#our $CORNER_MARKER        = '+';

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