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cpan/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Math::BigFloat;

# Mike grinned. 'Two down, infinity to go' - Mike Nostrus in 'Before and After'

# The following hash values are used internally:
# sign  : "+", "-", "+inf", "-inf", or "NaN" if not a number
#   _m  : mantissa ($LIB thingy)
#   _es : sign of _e
#   _e  : exponent ($LIB thingy)
#   _a  : accuracy
#   _p  : precision

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp          qw< carp croak >;
use Scalar::Util  qw< blessed >;
use Math::BigInt  qw< >;

our $VERSION = '1.999837';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;

require Exporter;
our @ISA        = qw/Math::BigInt/;
our @EXPORT_OK  = qw/bpi/;

# $_trap_inf/$_trap_nan are internal and should never be accessed from outside
our ($AUTOLOAD, $accuracy, $precision, $div_scale, $round_mode, $rnd_mode,
     $upgrade, $downgrade, $_trap_nan, $_trap_inf);

use overload

  # overload key: with_assign

  '+'     =>      sub { $_[0] -> copy() -> badd($_[1]); },

  '-'     =>      sub { my $c = $_[0] -> copy();
                        $_[2] ? $c -> bneg() -> badd($_[1])
                              : $c -> bsub($_[1]); },

  '*'     =>      sub { $_[0] -> copy() -> bmul($_[1]); },

  '/'     =>      sub { $_[2] ? ref($_[0]) -> new($_[1]) -> bdiv($_[0])
                              : $_[0] -> copy() -> bdiv($_[1]); },

  '%'     =>      sub { $_[2] ? ref($_[0]) -> new($_[1]) -> bmod($_[0])
                              : $_[0] -> copy() -> bmod($_[1]); },

  '**'    =>      sub { $_[2] ? ref($_[0]) -> new($_[1]) -> bpow($_[0])
                              : $_[0] -> copy() -> bpow($_[1]); },

  '<<'    =>      sub { $_[2] ? ref($_[0]) -> new($_[1]) -> blsft($_[0])
                              : $_[0] -> copy() -> blsft($_[1]); },

  '>>'    =>      sub { $_[2] ? ref($_[0]) -> new($_[1]) -> brsft($_[0])
                              : $_[0] -> copy() -> brsft($_[1]); },

  # overload key: assign

  '+='    =>      sub { $_[0] -> badd($_[1]); },

  '-='    =>      sub { $_[0] -> bsub($_[1]); },

  '*='    =>      sub { $_[0] -> bmul($_[1]); },

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