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src/sparse-0.4.4/perl/t/include/fpu/softfloat.h  view on Meta::CPAN


| Software IEC/IEEE floating-point exception flags.
enum {
    float_flag_invalid   =  1,
    float_flag_divbyzero =  4,
    float_flag_overflow  =  8,
    float_flag_underflow = 16,
    float_flag_inexact   = 32,
    float_flag_input_denormal = 64,
    float_flag_output_denormal = 128

typedef struct float_status {
    signed char float_detect_tininess;
    signed char float_rounding_mode;
    signed char float_exception_flags;
    signed char floatx80_rounding_precision;
    /* should denormalised results go to zero and set the inexact flag? */
    flag flush_to_zero;
    /* should denormalised inputs go to zero and set the input_denormal flag? */
    flag flush_inputs_to_zero;
    flag default_nan_mode;
} float_status;

void set_float_rounding_mode(int val STATUS_PARAM);
void set_float_exception_flags(int val STATUS_PARAM);
INLINE void set_float_detect_tininess(int val STATUS_PARAM)
    STATUS(float_detect_tininess) = val;
INLINE void set_flush_to_zero(flag val STATUS_PARAM)
    STATUS(flush_to_zero) = val;
INLINE void set_flush_inputs_to_zero(flag val STATUS_PARAM)
    STATUS(flush_inputs_to_zero) = val;
INLINE void set_default_nan_mode(flag val STATUS_PARAM)
    STATUS(default_nan_mode) = val;
INLINE int get_float_exception_flags(float_status *status)
    return STATUS(float_exception_flags);
void set_floatx80_rounding_precision(int val STATUS_PARAM);

| Routine to raise any or all of the software IEC/IEEE floating-point
| exception flags.
void float_raise( int8 flags STATUS_PARAM);

| Options to indicate which negations to perform in float*_muladd()
| Using these differs from negating an input or output before calling
| the muladd function in that this means that a NaN doesn't have its
| sign bit inverted before it is propagated.
enum {
    float_muladd_negate_c = 1,
    float_muladd_negate_product = 2,
    float_muladd_negate_result = 4,

| Software IEC/IEEE integer-to-floating-point conversion routines.
float32 int32_to_float32( int32 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 int32_to_float64( int32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 uint32_to_float32( uint32 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 uint32_to_float64( uint32 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 int32_to_floatx80( int32 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 int32_to_float128( int32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 int64_to_float32( int64 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 uint64_to_float32( uint64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 int64_to_float64( int64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 uint64_to_float64( uint64 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 int64_to_floatx80( int64 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 int64_to_float128( int64 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 uint64_to_float128( uint64 STATUS_PARAM );

| Software half-precision conversion routines.
float16 float32_to_float16( float32, flag STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float16_to_float32( float16, flag STATUS_PARAM );

| Software half-precision operations.
int float16_is_quiet_nan( float16 );
int float16_is_signaling_nan( float16 );
float16 float16_maybe_silence_nan( float16 );

INLINE int float16_is_any_nan(float16 a)
    return ((float16_val(a) & ~0x8000) > 0x7c00);

| The pattern for a default generated half-precision NaN.
extern const float16 float16_default_nan;

| Software IEC/IEEE single-precision conversion routines.
int_fast16_t float32_to_int16_round_to_zero(float32 STATUS_PARAM);
uint_fast16_t float32_to_uint16_round_to_zero(float32 STATUS_PARAM);
int32 float32_to_int32( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int32 float32_to_int32_round_to_zero( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
uint32 float32_to_uint32( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
uint32 float32_to_uint32_round_to_zero( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 float32_to_int64( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 float32_to_int64_round_to_zero( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float32_to_float64( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 float32_to_floatx80( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float32_to_float128( float32 STATUS_PARAM );

| Software IEC/IEEE single-precision operations.
float32 float32_round_to_int( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_add( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_sub( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_mul( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_div( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_rem( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_muladd(float32, float32, float32, int STATUS_PARAM);
float32 float32_sqrt( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_exp2( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_log2( float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_eq( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_le( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_lt( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_unordered( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_eq_quiet( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_le_quiet( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_lt_quiet( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_unordered_quiet( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_compare( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
int float32_compare_quiet( float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float32_min(float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM);
float32 float32_max(float32, float32 STATUS_PARAM);
int float32_is_quiet_nan( float32 );
int float32_is_signaling_nan( float32 );
float32 float32_maybe_silence_nan( float32 );
float32 float32_scalbn( float32, int STATUS_PARAM );

INLINE float32 float32_abs(float32 a)
    /* Note that abs does *not* handle NaN specially, nor does
     * it flush denormal inputs to zero.
    return make_float32(float32_val(a) & 0x7fffffff);

INLINE float32 float32_chs(float32 a)
    /* Note that chs does *not* handle NaN specially, nor does
     * it flush denormal inputs to zero.
    return make_float32(float32_val(a) ^ 0x80000000);

INLINE int float32_is_infinity(float32 a)
    return (float32_val(a) & 0x7fffffff) == 0x7f800000;

INLINE int float32_is_neg(float32 a)
    return float32_val(a) >> 31;

INLINE int float32_is_zero(float32 a)
    return (float32_val(a) & 0x7fffffff) == 0;

INLINE int float32_is_any_nan(float32 a)
    return ((float32_val(a) & ~(1 << 31)) > 0x7f800000UL);

INLINE int float32_is_zero_or_denormal(float32 a)
    return (float32_val(a) & 0x7f800000) == 0;

INLINE float32 float32_set_sign(float32 a, int sign)
    return make_float32((float32_val(a) & 0x7fffffff) | (sign << 31));

#define float32_zero make_float32(0)
#define float32_one make_float32(0x3f800000)
#define float32_ln2 make_float32(0x3f317218)
#define float32_pi make_float32(0x40490fdb)
#define float32_half make_float32(0x3f000000)
#define float32_infinity make_float32(0x7f800000)

| The pattern for a default generated single-precision NaN.
extern const float32 float32_default_nan;

| Software IEC/IEEE double-precision conversion routines.
int_fast16_t float64_to_int16_round_to_zero(float64 STATUS_PARAM);
uint_fast16_t float64_to_uint16_round_to_zero(float64 STATUS_PARAM);
int32 float64_to_int32( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int32 float64_to_int32_round_to_zero( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
uint32 float64_to_uint32( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
uint32 float64_to_uint32_round_to_zero( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 float64_to_int64( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 float64_to_int64_round_to_zero( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
uint64 float64_to_uint64 (float64 a STATUS_PARAM);
uint64 float64_to_uint64_round_to_zero (float64 a STATUS_PARAM);
float32 float64_to_float32( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 float64_to_floatx80( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float64_to_float128( float64 STATUS_PARAM );

| Software IEC/IEEE double-precision operations.
float64 float64_round_to_int( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_trunc_to_int( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_add( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_sub( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_mul( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_div( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_rem( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_muladd(float64, float64, float64, int STATUS_PARAM);
float64 float64_sqrt( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_log2( float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_eq( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_le( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_lt( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_unordered( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_eq_quiet( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_le_quiet( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_lt_quiet( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_unordered_quiet( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_compare( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
int float64_compare_quiet( float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float64_min(float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM);
float64 float64_max(float64, float64 STATUS_PARAM);
int float64_is_quiet_nan( float64 a );
int float64_is_signaling_nan( float64 );
float64 float64_maybe_silence_nan( float64 );
float64 float64_scalbn( float64, int STATUS_PARAM );

INLINE float64 float64_abs(float64 a)
    /* Note that abs does *not* handle NaN specially, nor does
     * it flush denormal inputs to zero.
    return make_float64(float64_val(a) & 0x7fffffffffffffffLL);

INLINE float64 float64_chs(float64 a)
    /* Note that chs does *not* handle NaN specially, nor does
     * it flush denormal inputs to zero.
    return make_float64(float64_val(a) ^ 0x8000000000000000LL);

INLINE int float64_is_infinity(float64 a)
    return (float64_val(a) & 0x7fffffffffffffffLL ) == 0x7ff0000000000000LL;

INLINE int float64_is_neg(float64 a)
    return float64_val(a) >> 63;

INLINE int float64_is_zero(float64 a)
    return (float64_val(a) & 0x7fffffffffffffffLL) == 0;

INLINE int float64_is_any_nan(float64 a)
    return ((float64_val(a) & ~(1ULL << 63)) > 0x7ff0000000000000ULL);

INLINE int float64_is_zero_or_denormal(float64 a)
    return (float64_val(a) & 0x7ff0000000000000LL) == 0;

INLINE float64 float64_set_sign(float64 a, int sign)
    return make_float64((float64_val(a) & 0x7fffffffffffffffULL)
                        | ((int64_t)sign << 63));

#define float64_zero make_float64(0)
#define float64_one make_float64(0x3ff0000000000000LL)
#define float64_ln2 make_float64(0x3fe62e42fefa39efLL)
#define float64_pi make_float64(0x400921fb54442d18LL)
#define float64_half make_float64(0x3fe0000000000000LL)
#define float64_infinity make_float64(0x7ff0000000000000LL)

| The pattern for a default generated double-precision NaN.
extern const float64 float64_default_nan;

| Software IEC/IEEE extended double-precision conversion routines.
int32 floatx80_to_int32( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int32 floatx80_to_int32_round_to_zero( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 floatx80_to_int64( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 floatx80_to_int64_round_to_zero( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 floatx80_to_float32( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 floatx80_to_float64( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 floatx80_to_float128( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );

| Software IEC/IEEE extended double-precision operations.
floatx80 floatx80_round_to_int( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 floatx80_add( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 floatx80_sub( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 floatx80_mul( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 floatx80_div( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 floatx80_rem( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 floatx80_sqrt( floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_eq( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_le( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_lt( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_unordered( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_eq_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_le_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_lt_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_unordered_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_compare( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_compare_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 STATUS_PARAM );
int floatx80_is_quiet_nan( floatx80 );
int floatx80_is_signaling_nan( floatx80 );
floatx80 floatx80_maybe_silence_nan( floatx80 );
floatx80 floatx80_scalbn( floatx80, int STATUS_PARAM );

INLINE floatx80 floatx80_abs(floatx80 a)
    a.high &= 0x7fff;
    return a;

INLINE floatx80 floatx80_chs(floatx80 a)
    a.high ^= 0x8000;
    return a;

INLINE int floatx80_is_infinity(floatx80 a)
    return (a.high & 0x7fff) == 0x7fff && a.low == 0x8000000000000000LL;

INLINE int floatx80_is_neg(floatx80 a)
    return a.high >> 15;

INLINE int floatx80_is_zero(floatx80 a)
    return (a.high & 0x7fff) == 0 && a.low == 0;

INLINE int floatx80_is_zero_or_denormal(floatx80 a)
    return (a.high & 0x7fff) == 0;

INLINE int floatx80_is_any_nan(floatx80 a)
    return ((a.high & 0x7fff) == 0x7fff) && (a.low<<1);

#define floatx80_zero make_floatx80(0x0000, 0x0000000000000000LL)
#define floatx80_one make_floatx80(0x3fff, 0x8000000000000000LL)
#define floatx80_ln2 make_floatx80(0x3ffe, 0xb17217f7d1cf79acLL)
#define floatx80_pi make_floatx80(0x4000, 0xc90fdaa22168c235LL)
#define floatx80_half make_floatx80(0x3ffe, 0x8000000000000000LL)
#define floatx80_infinity make_floatx80(0x7fff, 0x8000000000000000LL)

| The pattern for a default generated extended double-precision NaN.
extern const floatx80 floatx80_default_nan;

| Software IEC/IEEE quadruple-precision conversion routines.
int32 float128_to_int32( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int32 float128_to_int32_round_to_zero( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 float128_to_int64( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int64 float128_to_int64_round_to_zero( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float32 float128_to_float32( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float64 float128_to_float64( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
floatx80 float128_to_floatx80( float128 STATUS_PARAM );

| Software IEC/IEEE quadruple-precision operations.
float128 float128_round_to_int( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float128_add( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float128_sub( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float128_mul( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float128_div( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float128_rem( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
float128 float128_sqrt( float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_eq( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_le( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_lt( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_unordered( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_eq_quiet( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_le_quiet( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_lt_quiet( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_unordered_quiet( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_compare( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_compare_quiet( float128, float128 STATUS_PARAM );
int float128_is_quiet_nan( float128 );
int float128_is_signaling_nan( float128 );
float128 float128_maybe_silence_nan( float128 );
float128 float128_scalbn( float128, int STATUS_PARAM );

INLINE float128 float128_abs(float128 a)
    a.high &= 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
    return a;

INLINE float128 float128_chs(float128 a)
    a.high ^= 0x8000000000000000LL;
    return a;

INLINE int float128_is_infinity(float128 a)
    return (a.high & 0x7fffffffffffffffLL) == 0x7fff000000000000LL && a.low == 0;

INLINE int float128_is_neg(float128 a)
    return a.high >> 63;

INLINE int float128_is_zero(float128 a)
    return (a.high & 0x7fffffffffffffffLL) == 0 && a.low == 0;

INLINE int float128_is_zero_or_denormal(float128 a)
    return (a.high & 0x7fff000000000000LL) == 0;

INLINE int float128_is_any_nan(float128 a)
    return ((a.high >> 48) & 0x7fff) == 0x7fff &&
        ((a.low != 0) || ((a.high & 0xffffffffffffLL) != 0));

#define float128_zero make_float128(0, 0)

| The pattern for a default generated quadruple-precision NaN.
extern const float128 float128_default_nan;

#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_H */

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