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lib/Device/Network/ConfigParser/Cisco/  view on Meta::CPAN

package Device::Network::ConfigParser::Cisco::ASA;
# ABSTRACT: Parse Cisco ASA Configuration
our $VERSION = '0.006'; # VERSION

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Modern::Perl;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;

use Exporter qw{import};

our @EXPORT_OK = qw{get_parser get_output_drivers parse_config post_process};

=head1 NAME

Device::Network::ConfigParser::Cisco::ASA - parse Cisco ASA configuration.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.006


This module is intended to be used in conjunction with L<Device::Network::ConfigParser>, however there's nothing stopping it being used on its own.

The module provides subroutines to parse & post-process Cisco ASA configuration, and output the structured data in a number of formats.


=head2 get_parser

For more information on the subroutine, see L<Device::Network::ConfigParser/"get_parser">.

This module currently recognised the following parts of Cisco ASA configuration:

=over 4

=item * Hostname and domain name

=item * Name aliases

=item * Routes

=item * Access lists

=item * NATs

=item * Objects

=item * Object groups

Any other lines within the file are classified as 'unrecognised'.



# This function is used with the (?) RecDescent operator, which returns an ARRAYREF.
# If there's an array member, it's returned.
# If not, the empty string is returned.
sub Parse::RecDescent::_zero_or_one {
    my ($array_ref, $action, $return) = @_;

    $return //= '';
    $action //= sub { return $_[0]->[0] }; # By default, return the first member

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