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t/deploy.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Modern::Perl;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use FindBin;
use File::Temp;
use DBI;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";

use DBIx::Deployer;

subtest 'use_dbi_db' => sub {
    my $t1 = File::Temp->new(EXLOCK => 0);

    my $db = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:' . $t1->filename);

    my $bootstrap = DBIx::Deployer->new(
        target_dsn => "dbi:SQLite:" . $t1->filename,
        patch_path => "$FindBin::Bin/simple_deploy",
        deployer_db_file => $t1->filename,
    my $bootstrap_db = $bootstrap->deployer_db;
    my $d = DBIx::Deployer->new(
      target_db => $db,
      patch_path => "$FindBin::Bin/simple_deploy",
      deployer_db => $db,
    my $patches = $d->patches;
    ok $d->deploy_all, 'Can deploy with dbi';

subtest 'deployer_patch_table' => sub {
    my $t1 = File::Temp->new(EXLOCK => 0);

    my $db = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:' . $t1->filename);

    my $bootstrap = DBIx::Deployer->new(
        target_dsn => "dbi:SQLite:" . $t1->filename,
        patch_path => "$FindBin::Bin/simple_deploy",
        deployer_db_file => $t1->filename,
        deployer_patch_table => 'my_patch_table',
    my $bootstrap_db = $bootstrap->deployer_db;
    my $d = DBIx::Deployer->new(
      target_db => $db,
      patch_path => "$FindBin::Bin/simple_deploy",
      deployer_db => $db,
      deployer_patch_table => 'my_patch_table',
    my $patches = $d->patches;
    ok $d->deploy_all, 'Can deploy with dbi';

subtest 'simple_deploy' => sub {
    my $t1 = File::Temp->new(EXLOCK => 0);
    my $t2 = File::Temp->new(EXLOCK => 0);

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( run in 0.603 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )