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t/perlcriticrc  view on Meta::CPAN

# terminal_funcs =

# Prohibit various flavors of `no strict'.
# set_themes                         = bugs certrec core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 5
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Allow vars, subs, and/or refs.
# allow =

# Prohibit various flavors of `no warnings'.
# set_themes                         = bugs certrec core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 4
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Permitted warning categories.
# allow =

# Allow "no warnings" if it restricts the kinds of warnings that are turned off.
# allow_with_category_restriction = 0

# Don't turn off strict for large blocks of code.
# set_themes                         = bugs certrec core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 4
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# The maximum number of statements in a no strict block.
# Minimum value 1. No maximum.
# statements = 3

# Tests should all have labels.
# set_themes                         = core maintenance tests
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 3
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# The additional modules to require labels for.
# Values that are always included: Test::More.
# modules =

# Always `use strict'.
# set_themes                         = bugs certrec certrule core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 5
# maximum_violations_per_document    = 1

# The additional modules to treat as equivalent to "strict".
# Values that are always included: Any::Moose, Dancer, Dancer2, Mo, Modern::Perl, Mojo::Base, Mojolicious::Lite, Moo, Moo::Role, Moos, Moose, Moose::Exporter, Moose::Role, Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, MooseX::NonMoose, MooseX::Role::Parameterized, M...
# equivalent_modules =

# Always `use warnings'.
# set_themes                         = bugs certrule core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 4
# maximum_violations_per_document    = 1

# The additional modules to treat as equivalent to "warnings".
# Values that are always included: Any::Moose, Dancer, Dancer2, Mo, Modern::Perl, Mojo::Base, Mojolicious::Lite, Moo, Moo::Role, Moos, Moose, Moose::Exporter, Moose::Role, Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, MooseX::NonMoose, MooseX::Role::Parameterized, M...
# equivalent_modules =

# Don't use the comma operator as a statement separator.
# set_themes                         = bugs certrule core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 4
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Allow map and grep blocks to return lists.
# allow_last_statement_to_be_comma_separated_in_map_and_grep = 0

# Prohibit version values from outside the module.
# set_themes                         = core maintenance
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 3
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Make "use version; our $VERSION = qv('1.2.3');" a violation of this policy.
# forbid_use_version = 0

# Don't `use constant FOO => 15'.
# set_themes                         = bugs core pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 4
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Write `q{}' instead of `'''.
# set_themes                         = core cosmetic pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 2
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Write `"\N{DELETE}"' instead of `"\x7F"', etc.
# set_themes                         = core cosmetic pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 2
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Use concatenation or HEREDOCs instead of literal line breaks in strings.
# set_themes                         = core cosmetic pbp
# add_themes                         =
# severity                           = 3
# maximum_violations_per_document    = no_limit

# Always use single quotes for literal strings.
# set_themes                         = core cosmetic pbp

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( run in 3.632 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-72ae3ad1e6da )