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lib/BioX/Map/CLIS/Cmd/  view on Meta::CPAN

package BioX::Map::CLIS::Cmd::Compare;
use Modern::Perl;
use IO::All;
use Carp "confess";
use Moo;
use MooX::Options prefer_commandline => 1, with_config_from_file => 1;
use MooX::Cmd;
use BioX::Map;
use Types::Standard qw(Int Str Bool Enum);
use Parallel::ForkManager;

our $VERSION = '0.0.12'; # VERSION:
# ABSTRACT: a wrapper for mapping software

around _build_config_identifier => sub { 'berry' };
around _build_config_prefix => sub { 'biox_map' };

option indir => (
  is        => 'ro',
  format    => 's',
  short     => 'i',
  default   => '',
  doc       => "path of one fastq file",

option soap_suffix => (
  is        => 'ro',
  format    => 's',
  short     => 's',
  doc       => "suffix of all samples' soap result",
  default   => 'soap',

option bwa_suffix => (
  is        => 'ro',
  format    => 's',
  short     => 'b',
  doc       => "suffix of all samples' bwa result",
  default   => 'bwa',

option process => (
  is      => 'ro',
  format  => 's',
  short   => 'p',
  doc     => 'number of process will be used',
  default => 2,


option outfile => (
  is        => 'ro',
  format    => 's',
  short     => 'o',

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