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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ABSTRACT: Jackknife a directory of ALI files

use Modern::Perl '2011';
use autodie;

use Getopt::Euclid qw(:vars);
use Smart::Comments;

use File::Find::Rule;
use List::AllUtils qw(shuffle);
use Path::Class qw(file dir);
use POSIX;

use Bio::MUST::Core;
use Bio::MUST::Core::Constants qw(:dirs);
use aliased 'Bio::MUST::Core::Ali';
use aliased 'Bio::MUST::Core::SeqMask';

for my $indir (@ARGV_indirs) {

    ### Processing: $indir
    my @infiles = File::Find::Rule
        ->name( $SUFFICES_FOR{Ali} )

    # create output directory named after input directory and settings
    my $dirname = dir($indir)->basename
        . "-jack-$ARGV_replicates-$ARGV_width"
        . ($ARGV_del_const ? '-dc' : q{})
    my $dir = dir($dirname)->relative;

    # setup replicate numbering format
    # TODO: fix bug with 100!
    my $field = ceil( log($ARGV_replicates) / log(10) );

    # build replicates
    for my $rep (1..$ARGV_replicates) {
        my @pool = shuffle @infiles;

        my @alis;
        my $width = 0;

        while (my $infile = shift @pool) {
            my $ali = Ali->load($infile);

            # optionally delete constant sites
            if ($ARGV_del_const) {
                my $mask = SeqMask->variable_mask($ali);

            # cumulate Ali files while total width is lower than target width
            push @alis, $ali;
            $width += $ali->width;

            last ALI if $width >= $ARGV_width;

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( run in 0.459 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )