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lib/Audio/Nama/  view on Meta::CPAN

# ------------ Graphical User Interface ------------

package Audio::Nama::Graphical;  ## gui routines
use Modern::Perl '2020'; use Carp;
our $VERSION = 1.071;
use Audio::Nama::Globals qw($term $prompt);

use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load);
use Audio::Nama::Assign qw(:all);
use Audio::Nama::Util qw(colonize);
no warnings 'uninitialized';

our @ISA = 'Audio::Nama';      ## default to root namespace, e.g.  Refresh_subs, Graphical_subs
						# actually this doesn't seem like a
						# good idea
# widgets

## The following methods belong to the Graphical interface class

sub hello {"make a window";}
sub loop {
	$term->Attribs->{already_prompted} = 0;
  	while (1) {
  		my ($user_input) = $term->readline($prompt) ;
  		Audio::Nama::process_line( $user_input );

sub initialize_tk { 
	my $result1 = can_load( modules => { Tk => undef } ) ;
	my $result2 = can_load( modules => { 'Tk::PNG' => undef } );

# the following graphical methods are placed in the root namespace
# allowing access to root namespace variables 
# with a package path

package Audio::Nama;
# gui handling

# in the $gui variable, keys with leading _underscore
# indicate variables
# $gui->{_project_name}  # scalar/array/hash var
# $gui->{mw}             # Tk objects (widgets, frames, etc.)

sub init_gui {


	init_palettefields(); # keys only

	### 	Tk root window 

	# Tk main window
 	$gui->{mw} = MainWindow->new;  
	$gui->{mw}->optionAdd('*font', 'Helvetica 12');
	$gui->{mw}->optionAdd('*BorderWidth' => 1);

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