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lib/Audio/Nama/  view on Meta::CPAN

# ------ Config subroutines ------

# To create a new config var:
# add the mapping, e.g. "$mix_to_disk_format $config->{mix_to_disk_format}"
# (without quotes) to file var_config

# these subs are in the main namespace

package Audio::Nama;

use Modern::Perl '2020';
no warnings 'uninitialized';

use Audio::Nama::Globals qw(:all);

# exclusive to this module
our ( 
	%subst,			# substitutions		

## configuration file

sub global_config {

	# return text of config file, in the following order
	# or priority:
	# 1. the file designated by the -f command line argument
	# 2. .namarc in the current project directory, i.e. ~/nama/untitled/.namarc
	# 3. .namarc in the home directory, i.e. ~/.namarc
	# 4. .namarc in the project root directory, i.e. ~/nama/.namarc
	if( $config->{opts}->{f} ){
		pager_newline("reading config file $config->{opts}->{f}\n");
		return read_file($config->{opts}->{f});
	my @search_path = (project_dir(), $ENV{HOME}, project_root() );
	my $c = 0;
				if (-d $_) {
					my $config_path = join_path($_, config_file());
					if( -f $config_path or -l $config_path){ 
						say "Found config file: $config_path";
						my $yml = read_file($config_path);
						return $yml;
			} ( @search_path) 

# sub global_config {
# 	read_file( join_path($ENV{HOME}, config_file()));
# }

sub read_config {

	# read and process the configuration file
	# use the embedded default file if none other is present
	my $config_file = shift;
	my $yml = $config_file // get_data_section("default_namarc");
	strip_all( $yml );
	my %cfg = %{  yaml_in($yml) };
	logpkg(__FILE__,__LINE__,'debug', "config file:", Dumper \%cfg);
	*subst = \%{$cfg{abbreviations}}; # alias
	walk_tree(\%cfg); # second pass completes substitutions

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