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lib/App/perlimports/  view on Meta::CPAN

has _sub_names => (
    is          => 'ro',
    isa         => HashRef,
    handles_via => 'Hash',
    handles     => {
        is_sub_name => 'exists',
    lazy    => 1,
    builder => '_build_sub_names',

has _tidy_whitespace => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => Bool,
    init_arg => 'tidy_whitespace',
    lazy     => 1,
    default  => sub { 1 },

has _verbose => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => Bool,
    init_arg => 'verbose',
    default  => sub { 0 },

around BUILDARGS => sub {
    my ( $orig, $class, @args ) = @_;

    my %args = @args;
    if ( my $modules = delete $args{ignore_modules} ) {
        my %modules = map { $_ => 1 } @{$modules};
        $args{ignore_modules} = \%modules;

    if ( my $selection = delete $args{selection} ) {
        $args{ppi_selection} = PPI::Document->new( \$selection );

    return $class->$orig(%args);

my %default_ignore = (
    'Carp::Always'                   => 1,
    'Constant::Generate'             => 1,
    'Data::Printer'                  => 1,
    'DDP'                            => 1,
    'Devel::Confess'                 => 1,
    'Encode::Guess'                  => 1,
    'Env'                            => 1,    # see t/env.t
    'Exception::Class'               => 1,
    'Exporter'                       => 1,
    'Exporter::Lite'                 => 1,
    'Feature::Compat::Try'           => 1,
    'Filter::Simple'                 => 1,
    'Git::Sub'                       => 1,
    'HTTP::Message::PSGI'            => 1,    # HTTP::Request::(to|from)_psgi
    'Import::Into'                   => 1,
    'MLDBM'                          => 1,
    'Modern::Perl'                   => 1,
    'Mojo::Base'                     => 1,
    'Mojo::Date'                     => 1,
    'Mojolicious::Lite'              => 1,
    'Moo'                            => 1,
    'Moo::Role'                      => 1,
    'Moose'                          => 1,
    'Moose::Exporter'                => 1,
    'Moose::Role'                    => 1,
    'MooseX::NonMoose'               => 1,
    'MooseX::Role::Parameterized'    => 1,
    'MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor' => 1,
    'MooseX::StrictConstructor'      => 1,
    'MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::Class::BetterAnonClassNames' => 1,
    'MooseX::Types'                                       => 1,
    'MooX::StrictConstructor'                             => 1,
    'namespace::autoclean'                                => 1,
    'PerlIO::gzip'                                        => 1,
    'Regexp::Common'                                      => 1,
    'Sort::ByExample'                                     => 1,
    'Struct::Dumb'                                        => 1,
    'Sub::Exporter'                                       => 1,
    'Sub::Exporter::Progressive'                          => 1,
    'Sub::HandlesVia'                                     => 1,
    'Syntax::Keyword::Try'                                => 1,
    'Term::Size::Any'                                     => 1,
    'Test2::Util::HashBase'                               => 1,
    'Test::Exception'                                     => 1,
    'Test::Needs'                                         => 1,
    'Test::Number::Delta'                                 => 1,
    'Test::Pod'                                           => 1,
    'Test::Pod::Coverage'                                 => 1,
    'Test::Requires::Git'                                 => 1,
    'Test::RequiresInternet'                              => 1,
    'Test::Warnings'                                      => 1,
    'Test::Whitespaces'                                   => 1,
    'Test::XML'                                           => 1,
    'Types::Standard'                                     => 1,
    'URI::QueryParam'                                     => 1,

# Funky stuff could happen with inner packages.
sub _build_my_own_inspector {
    my $self = shift;
    my $pkgs
        = $self->ppi_document->find(
        sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') && $_[1]->file_scoped } );

    if ( !$pkgs || $pkgs->[0]->namespace eq 'main' ) {

    my $pkg = $pkgs->[0];

    # file_scoped() doesn't seem to be very reliable, so let's just try a crude
    # check to see if this is a package we might actually find on disk before
    # we try to require it.
    my $notional_file
        = fileparse( module_notional_filename( $pkg->namespace ) );
    my $provided_file = fileparse( $self->_filename );
    return unless $notional_file eq $provided_file;

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