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script/perlall  view on Meta::CPAN

For older perls special patches are applied to successfully build
them. C<archname> and the archlibs are extended by C<-debug> and
special git suffices. The installed perl binary and on windows
the F<perl.dll> ditto.


I use and support perlall on cygwin, linux (debian+centos),
freebsd, openbsd and solaris, with bash, dash and ksh.
Supporting other platforms besides VMS should not be hard.
freebsd needs sudo from ports. mingw (strawberry) and msys
(mingw cross) support is planned.

Log Files

Most commands always create a log file with the command, platform
and version, like F<log.maketest-centos5-5.10.1d-nt> or
F<log.makeinstall-osx10.6.8-5.15.4>, F<>.

In the L<B::C> perl-compiler distribution there are some post-processing scripts
F<status_upd>, F<store_rpt>, F<download-reports> for such logfiles.


Note in cmd.exe you need different quoting rules.

You can try:
    perlall do -e"""print $^O"""

But easier is:
    perlall do '-e"print $^O"'


sub setup {
  $_[0]->register_commands( {-ignore_prefix => '_'} );
  $_[0]->register('install', \&build, "alias to build");
  $_[0]->register('smoke', \&build, "(NYI) smoke [ perl<version><suffix> branch ]");
  $_[0]->unregister('basename'); #imported (bug)

sub App::Rad::Help::usage {
  return "\nUsage: ".basename($0)." [options] command [arguments]";

sub pre_process {
  my $c = shift;
  my $cmd = $c->cmd;

  # config defaults: for all
  $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX} = '/usr/local';
  # build only
  $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT} = '/usr/src/perl';
  if ($cmd eq 'init') {
    $c->config->{cpan} = 'cpan';
    # DBD::Gofer on linux needs Clone but does not check for it
    $c->config->{'init-modules'} = 'YAML Clone DBI DBD::SQLite CPAN::SQLite Devel::Platform::Info'
      .' Params::Util Bundle::CPANReporter2 Math::Round Params::Classify Bundle::CygwinVendor'
      .' YAML::XS List::MoreUtils DBIx::Class SQL::Abstract Module::Find Mouse MouseX::Types Modern::Perl'
      .' Task::Kensho';
    if (basename(Cwd::getcwd) =~/^B-C/ and -f "t/top100") {
      $c->config->{'init-modules'} .= " "
	.join(" ",File::Slurp::read_file("t/top100"));
  my $sudo = $^O =~ /cygwin|msys|MSWin32/ ? "" : "sudo";
  $c->config->{sudo} = $sudo;
  if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX} = $Config{prefix};
    $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT} = $ENV{HOME}."\\perl5";
    # bindir should be in the path.
    if ($Config{installsitebin} and $Config{installsitebin} =~ $ENV{PATH}) {
      $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR} = $Config{installsitebin};
    } else {
      $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR} = $ENV{HOME}."\\perl5\\bin";

  # read .perlall config
  if ($cmd =~ /^build|config|uninstall|init|list|testvm|smoke|do|make.*$|cpan.*/) {
    for ( "/etc/perlall", "$ENV{HOME}/.perlall" ) {
      $c->_dot_perlall($_) if -f $_;
    $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX} = '/usr/local'
      unless $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX};
    $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR} = $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX}."/bin"
      unless $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR};
    $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT} = '/usr/src/perl'
      unless $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT};
    $c->config->{'perl-git'} = $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT}.'/blead/perl-git'
      unless $c->config->{'perl-git'};
    $c->config->{'cdcperl'} = $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT}.'/blead/cperl'
      unless $c->config->{'cdcperl'};
    $c->config->{'perlall_timeout'} = 0 unless $c->config->{'perlall_timeout'};

    if ($c->is_command($cmd) and $cmd !~ /^list/) {
      # logging + locking
      my $d = Devel::Platform::Info->new->get_info();
      my $s = $d->{oslabel};
      my $v = $d->{osvers};
      if ($^O eq 'solaris' and !$s) {
	$s = "solaris";
	$v = $d->{kvers} if $v eq 'SunOS';
      $v =~ s/^\D*//;     # strip non-number lead
      $v =~ s/[^\d\.]//g; # only numbers and dots
      $s = $s . $v;
      $s =~ s/[\s\(\)\[\}\[\]]//g;
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
	$s = $d->{source}->{uname}->[2];
	$s =~ s/\(.+$//;
	$s = 'cygwin'.$s.'_'.$d->{source}->{uname}->[1]; # cygwin1.7.10s_winxp
      $s = $^O unless $s;
      if ($cmd eq 'maketest') {
	$c->stash->{logprefix} = "log.test-".lc($s)."-";
      } else {

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