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lib/App/JobLog/Log/  view on Meta::CPAN

package App::JobLog::Log::Line;
$App::JobLog::Log::Line::VERSION = '1.042';
# ABSTRACT: encapsulates one line of log text

use Modern::Perl;
use Class::Autouse qw{DateTime};
use autouse 'App::JobLog::Time' => qw(now tz);

# represents a single non-comment line in the log
# not using Moose to keep CLI snappy

# to_string method for convenience
use overload '""' => \&to_string;
use overload 'bool' => sub { 1 };

# some global variables for use in BNF regex
our ( $date, @tags, @description, $is_beginning, $is_note );

# log line parser
our $re = qr{
    ^ (?&ts) (?&non_ts) $
     (?<ts> (\d{4}\s++\d++\s++\d++\s++\d++\s++\d++\s++\d++) (?{$date = $^N}) )
     (?<non_ts> (?&note) | (?&duration_mark) )
     (?<duration_mark> : (?: (?&done) | (?&event) ) )
     (?<done> DONE )
     (?<note> <NOTE> (?&event) (?{$is_note = 1}) )
     (?<event> (?&tags) : (?&descriptions) (?{$is_beginning = 1}) )
     (?<tags> (?:(?&tag)(\s++(?&tag))*+)?)
     (?<tag> ((?:[^\s:\\]|(?&escaped))++) (?{push @tags, $^N}))
     (?<escaped> \\.)
     (?<descriptions> (?: (?&description) (?: ; \s*+ (?&description) )*+ )? )
     (?<description> ((?:[^;\\]|(?&escaped))++) (?{push @description, $^N}))

sub new {
    my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
    $class = ref $class || $class;
    my %opts = @args;

    # validate %opts
    my $self = bless {}, $class;
    if ( exists $opts{comment} ) {
        $self->{comment} = $opts{comment};
        delete $opts{comment};
        die 'inconsistent arguments: ' . join( ', ', @args ) if keys %opts;
    elsif ( exists $opts{done} ) {
        my $time = $opts{time};
        die "invalid value for time: $time"
          if $time && ref $time ne 'DateTime';
        $self->{time} = $time || now;
        $self->{done} = 1;
        delete $opts{done};
        delete $opts{time};
        die 'inconsistent arguments: ' . join( ', ', @args ) if keys %opts;
    elsif ( exists $opts{time} ) {
        my $time = $opts{time};
        die "invalid value for time: $time"
          if $time && ref $time ne 'DateTime';
        $self->{time} = $time;
        my $tags = $opts{tags};

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